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Moonlight PC v0.6.2

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@cgutman cgutman released this 29 Oct 03:40
· 2253 commits to master since this release

Windows and Mac binaries are attached here. Linux binaries are available on Flathub:

To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.

For Windows users without administrator rights (work/public PC), you can use the Portable version in the attached zip files. Normal Windows users should still use the installers.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen

Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session

New features:

  • Added automatic IP address detection for Internet streaming
  • Stream over the Internet without needing to manually forward ports using this tool on your host
  • Added a quit shortcut tip for gamepad users


  • Fixed server state polling not being stopped while streaming