Moonlight PC v0.9.0
Download links:
- Windows Installer 64-bit (for most Windows PCs)
- Windows Portable 64-bit (for work/public PCs without the ability to install new programs)
- Windows Installer 32-bit
- Windows Portable 32-bit
- macOS
- Snap (for Ubuntu-based Linux distros)
- Flatpak (for other Linux distros)
To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S - Toggle performance stats overlay
Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session
New features:
- Added gamepad rumble support
- Added a dedicated quit button to the running app tile
- Reduced video latency on Windows and Linux
- Added a performance stats overlay for Windows and macOS
- Fixed delayed first video frame with GFE 3.17
- Fixed erroneously setting host resolution to 720p in certain configurations
- Fixed video quality issues on Intel GPUs caused by Intel's video "enhancements"
- The connection termination dialog is no longer displayed for intentional termination
- Fixed some gamepads only functioning for UI navigation and not in game
- Fixed audio latency increasing when switching audio devices
- Fixed VDPAU scaling behavior on AMD cards
- Fixed several bugs in gamepad navigation behavior
- Reverted game controller indexing change to fix some cases where XInput is buggy
- Work around a bug in QGnomePlatform that breaks dialog rendering on Linux
- Updated to Qt 5.12.1 for Windows and macOS
- Updated included SDL gamepad mappings
- Fixed hotkey behavior on non-latin keyboards
- Fixed incorrect frame drop percentages in debug stats
Known Issues:
- Location Services on macOS may cause periodic lag and stuttering on Wi-Fi due to background network scans. To avoid the issue, disable Location Services on your Mac by going to "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Location Services"