- Interactive operation! You only answer some question.
- Offer a binary executor.
- Support variable replacement.
- Search the working file intelligently.
- Check invalid replacement.
With Node.js
npm install -g json-mergex
With binary executor
- Go to release page and download file for your platform.
- (For windows) Double-click at the
. - (For macos/linux) Execute the
in Terminate.
You can check the version via json-mergex -V
or look for help via json-mergex -h
New the file named "data.json" in working space. The content is:
"name": "LittleMoi",
"age": 18,
"skill": {
"JavaScript": 100,
"CSharp": "$csharp-grade",
"Java": 50
New the file named "data.merge.json" in working space. We want modify the age and the grade of "Java". So the content of file is:
"$prop": {
"age": 22,
"skill": {
"Java": 120,
"CSharp": "$charp-grade"
We hava two options: Manual or Interactive.
Manual Execute the command:
$ json-mergex --src data.json --merge data.merge.json --dst data.merged.json
And we cant checkout the result. It is simple!
$ json-mergex
Find merge file: X:/xxx/data.merge.json
Find src file: X:/xxx/data.json
? The dst path is empty, can you confirm to override the source file? » (Y/n) ...no
Replace: age
Replace: skill.Java
Replace: skill.CSharp
Process any key to continue...
The program will globby with your __dirname
, used the pattern "*.merge.json"(This is "data.merge.json"). Then guest the source file's name is "data.json".