MooreaTv addons common libs
2 Files/set of utilities:
General and debugging functions, like
:Debug(optionalLevel, "some simplified format string bool=% table=%", someBool, someTable)
(unlike std format, does work for booleans and tables) -
UI widget library Both extensively used by all my addons but also meant to be reused in other addons, not just mine.
It now also includes Pixel Perfect drawing support as demonstrated in
Library by default installs in the addon namespace but can also be copied to a new namespace using
_G[addon].MoLibInstallInto(NewNamespace, shortName)
Other functions include
- Realm database
- LRU cache/table
- Hashing, rudimentary signing and random number utilities
- base62 utils
- binary to baseN where N is any between 2 and 255 (most useful values being 91(printable withou space),92(with space),123(valid chat characters) and 255) which allows you to transmit binary (compressed) data with guaranteed minimal text size
- ...more / to be updated but in meantime see the lua files...
See also ChangeLog.txt.
MoLib library sources are at