A Clojure implementation of the game 2048, currently playable only in the REPL.
(require 'twenty-forty-eight.core)
(in-ns 'twenty-forty-eight.core)
(def b (atom (init-board)))
(swap! b move :u)
(swap! b move :d)
(swap! b move :l)
(swap! b move :r)
I've been working on simple heuristic "AI" players, to see how different simple heuristics perform. If you want to try them out (in order of goodness):
(time (play-ai->stats a-stubborn 1000)) ; Worse than random!
(time (play-ai->stats a-not-i 1000)) ; random null model
(time (play-ai->stats ai-pref-dir 1000)) ; better
(time (play-ai->stats ai-pref-dir-watch-blanks 1000)) ; best heuristic so far
(play-ai (human-intelligence))
Copyright © 2014 Matt Oquist moquist@majen.net
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.