This package (Top2Phase) implements the graph neural network for classificaiton of water phases, it constructs graphs based on the positioanal information of neighboring water molecules obtained from molecular dynamics trajectories and train graph neural network model to classify these phase using only edge information.
For further information see following paper. Top2Phase
Topological Classification of Water Phases Using Edge-Conditioned Convolutional Graph Neural Network
Python codes are located in the src/. directory:
- calculate order parameters from md trajectory
- computes pairwise distance for all atoms within a cut-off distance
- codes to support other python scriipts for reading and managing dataset including graphs for graph neural network and md trajectory for preprocessing
- graph neural network model functional API
- neural network model for classificaiton is implemented.
- : training of the network model for classificaiton and model evaluation
We recommend installaiton of following packages with this code, preferabely all in a conda enviroment
conda create -n top2phase python=3.6 tensorflow pymatgen tqdm -c anaconda -c conda-forge
source activate top2phase
pip install pyboo
pip install spektral==1.0.4
git clone
cd Top2Phase
pip3 install . # add user if you don't have user privilage --user
tensorflow >= 2.1
spektral >= 1.0.4
pwdist -h
usage: The traj.xtc convertor to npz [-h] [--xtc_file XTC_FILE]
[--gro_file GRO_FILE]
[--npz_file NPZ_FILE] [--radius RADIUS]
[--skip SKIP]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--xtc_file XTC_FILE path to the xtc file
--gro_file GRO_FILE path to gro file
--npz_file NPZ_FILE path to save pairwise distance as a npz file
--radius RADIUS radius for neigh list
--skip SKIP skip frames
orderparms -h
usage: The traj.xtc convertor to order parameter npz [-h] [--xtc_file XTC_FILE]
[--gro_file GRO_FILE]
[--npz_file NPZ_FILE] [--radius RADIUS]
[--skip SKIP]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--xtc_file XTC_FILE path to the xtc file
--gro_file GRO_FILE path to gro file
--npz_file NPZ_FILE path to save orderparameters as a npz file
--radius RADIUS radius for neigh list
--skip SKIP skip frames
for i in $(seq 1 31); do pwdist --xtc_file Iceh_vapor/temp_${i}_short.xtc --gro_file Iceh_vapor/conf.gro --radius 0.60 --npz_file graph_Icehvapor_0.60_${i}.npz; done
for i in $(seq 1 31); do orderparms --xtc_file Iceh_vapor/temp_${i}_short.xtc --gro_file Iceh_vapor/conf.gro --radius 0.60 --npz_file OP_Icehvapor_0.60_${i}.npz; done
top2phase -h
usage: ECCConv net training for phase classification [-h]
[--list_of_graphs LIST_OF_GRAPHS [LIST_OF_GRAPHS ...]]
[--dataset_size DATASET_SIZE]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--epochs EPOCHS]
[--data_path DATA_PATH]
[--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
[--split_fraction SPLIT_FRACTION]
[--save_model_dir SAVE_MODEL_DIR]
[--list_of_phases LIST_OF_PHASES [LIST_OF_PHASES ...]]
[--save_loss_freq SAVE_LOSS_FREQ]
[--save_model_freq SAVE_MODEL_FREQ]
[--max_save MAX_SAVE]
[--show_loss SHOW_LOSS]
[--use_bias USE_BIAS]
[--size_factor SIZE_FACTOR]
[--kernel_network KERNEL_NETWORK [KERNEL_NETWORK ...]]
[--ecc_layers ECC_LAYERS]
[--pool_type POOL_TYPE]
[--activation ACTIVATION]
[--mlp_layers MLP_LAYERS]
[--log_name LOG_NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--list_of_graphs LIST_OF_GRAPHS [LIST_OF_GRAPHS ...]
list of graphs to use for training save as npz, it
should be generated using the
--dataset_size DATASET_SIZE
dataset size (int)
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size for each epochs
--epochs EPOCHS total number of training epochs
--data_path DATA_PATH
path to the data file
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
random seed for consistent training
--split_fraction SPLIT_FRACTION
fraction of data for validation
--save_model_dir SAVE_MODEL_DIR
directory to save the model
--list_of_phases LIST_OF_PHASES [LIST_OF_PHASES ...]
map graph to phase, start from 0 to n-1
--save_loss_freq SAVE_LOSS_FREQ
frequency to save the loss
--save_model_freq SAVE_MODEL_FREQ
frequency to save the model
--max_save MAX_SAVE maximum number of checkpoints to keep
--show_loss SHOW_LOSS
Show loss on the screen
--use_bias USE_BIAS use bias in the model
--size_factor SIZE_FACTOR
increase/decrease dimensionality of hidden features
layer by layer of GNN/MLP
--kernel_network KERNEL_NETWORK [KERNEL_NETWORK ...]
filter generating network size and hidden dimensions
--ecc_layers ECC_LAYERS
number of edge-conditioned convolutional layer
--pool_type POOL_TYPE
type of pooling: sum, attn_sum, avg, attn_avg
--activation ACTIVATION
activation function of layers: relu, tanh, ...
--mlp_layers MLP_LAYERS
number of mlp layers after pooling
--log_name LOG_NAME write losses to this file
Example Training
top2phase --list_of_graphs graph_Icehvapor_0.70_1.npz graph_Icehvapor_0.70_21.npz graph_Icehvapor_0.70_29.npz graph_Icehvapor_0.70_28.npz --dataset_size 40000 --batch_size 32 --learning_rate 0.00005 --epochs 50000 --list_of_phases 0 0 1 1
python # We will add further details for making it more user-friendly