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Moraguma edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 1 revision

Autoload used for controlling data between scenes. Has methods for transitioning between scenes and accessing save data.


goto_scene(path: String)

Given a path, animated a transition between the current scene and the new one.

goto_scene_and_call(path: String, method_name: String, parameters: Array)

Given a path, calls goto_scene. Once the scene is instantiated, calls the given method on it.

get_minigame_settings() -> Array

Gets a list of the current selected minigame packs and filters

set_minigame_settings(minigame_settings: Array)

Sets a list of the current selected minigame packs and filters

get_minigame_settings() -> Array

Gets a list of the current selected minigame packs

set_minigame_settings(minigame_settings: Array)

Sets a list of the current selected minigame packs

get_filter_settings() -> Array

Gets a list of the current selected filters

set_filter_settings(minigame_settings: Array)

Sets a list of the current selected filters

check_minigame(path: String) -> bool

Return whether the given minigame has been played

register_minigame(path: String)

Registers the given minigame as played

get_highscore() -> int

Returns the current highscore

get_highscore(highscore: int)

Sets a new highscore