A curated list of awesome succulent and cactus identification, cultivation, care, and advisory resources.
Succulents and cacti are very popular plants, but information on the internet is wide-spread and sometimes hard to find. As a succulent collector myself I search almost daily for specific topics regarding the care of my plants. This list aims to keep all the good resources together and make growing plants easier.
- 📗 - resource is a book
- 📝 - resource is an article
- 💻 - resource is a website or blog
- Identification & Advice
- Encyclopedia
- Cultivation
- Growing
- Propagation
- Pests & Diseases
- Communities
- Inspiration
- Contributing
- License
Awesome people who help identifying your plants and giving all kinds of good advice.
- 💻 Dan's Plants - Dan is a very dedicated succulent collector/obsessor from Northern England who helps identifying succulents for everyone and gives all kinds of advice.
- 💻 Cactustic! - This is a blog of two friends who help identifying your plants and give advice. They also post interesting photos of they own plants.
- 💻 Succulent-Plant - A very detailed list of all succulent species with photos, descriptions and some trivia.
- 💻 LLIFE - Good encyclopedia covering all succulent species with photos, description and cultivation tips.
- 📗 Cacti and Succulents - Illustrated encyclopedia
- 📗 Succulents: Illustrated Dictionary - An illustrated dictionary book of succulents (excluding cacti)
How to care for your plants.
- 📝 How to Grow a Cactus From Seeds - Detailed article with illustrations for each step on how to grow cacti from seeds.
- 📝 Raising Cacti From Seed - Another article on growing cacti from seed, but with real photos and a slightly different approach.
- 📝 How To Grow Succulents in Artificial Light - Detailed article from expert Ben Thorton which covers all topics around growing succulents in artificial light.
- 📗 Succulents Simplified: Growing, Designing, and Crafting with 100 Easy-Care Varieties - Recommended book by the community on growing and crafting succulents.
- 📝 Propagating Succulents - A short, yet very helpful article on propagating succulents from leaves with photos.
- 📝 Propagate Succulents from Leaves - Another article on propagating succulents from leaves with illustrations.
- 📝 CactiCare - Good article which helps you diagnosing pests and diseases.
Communities usually cover all topics from posting photos of their own plants to any kind of advice.
- 💻 /r/succulents - Awesome community which helps in all kind of succulent related topics: identification, general advice, or just sharing photos of their own plant.
- 💻 /r/cactus - Great community dedicated to the discussion of Cactaceae species and hybrids.
Some good inspiration for arranging your plants or just looking at beautiful succulents.
- 💻 cactusandsucculents - Lots of photos of cacti and succulents
- 💻 happy succulents - Tumblr blog with beautiful photos and all kinds of advice.
- 💻 Succulent Love - Instagram account of all sorts of succulent arrangements.
- 💻 The Succulent Guy - Instagram account of a succulent vendor, posts beatiful photos of his plants.
All sorts of contributions are very welcome 🌵 Let's make this awesome together!
Cactus illustration by freepik.