Identify mosquito species and collect data to anticipate epidemics propagation for a CentraleSupelec project
Deployed app (old) :
Deployed app (our own server with persistent database, temporary url) :
This project aims to monitor and later anticipate mosquito related epidemics. Crossing the information about mosquito species, localization, temperature and population density may be really powerful to intuite the evolution or the apparition of an epidemic. Thus, we want to create a plateform where anyone can participate to this big-scale survey.
The user can upload a mosquito picture and will be asked to provide additional information as they localization or the mosquito species if known. Those information will be written in a database, and a Machine Learning algorithm will try to identify where the mosquito is located in the image and what is its species.
We initiated a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file in order to wrap all the requirements and dependancies of this project.
You have then 2 choices:
- The 1st one is to install all the requirements (see Installation below)
- The second one is to have Docker (version 1.13.0+ and above) installed and running on your OS
NB: You need to have python 3.6 installed and not 3.7 installed on your machine.
git clone
cd mosquito-monitoring
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You may have to install some additional libraries for opencv.
The server will listen on port 5000. You will need a Google Vision API Key written in the .env file. You will have to create this file at the root of the project, like :
Be sure to have docker and docker-compose installed. If you haven't them already, you can follow those tutorials for docker and docker-compose.
Then run
git clone
cd mosquito-monitoring
# You should copy in this directory the .env file with your API keys, then run
sudo docker-compose up
If you want to rebuild the project you can run
docker-compose build
If you want to start the project on your server startup, you can follow this procedure:
cd ~
# Working in personal folder
git clone
cd mosquito-monitoring
You should copy in this directory the .env file with your API keys.
Also, in order to enable the systemctl service, you will have to edit the docker-mosquito.service.
by replacing USERNAME
with your server username.
Note : we didn't indicate to use /var/www/ as the .env
may be exposed.
Then run:
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml build
sudo cp docker-mosquito.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable docker-mosquito
sudo systemctl restart docker-mosquito
This last command will run docker-compose -f docker-compose-ssl.yml up
Note: the project support ssl certificates! You can edit docker-compose-ssl.yml to mount your own certificates.
Ours were generated with Let's Encrypt
Debug mode FLASK_DEBUG=1 python3 -m flask run
Normal mode
Import the mosquito classification module
import classification.command_classification as command_classification
Request the labelling
Return example
[['aedes', '0.8780854'], ['culex', '0.11636846'], ['anopheles', '0.0055461014']]
Remove the database (useful for development purpose)
rm ./sqlite.db
Freeze local packages into requirements.txt with following command
pipreqs ./ --force
Don't run directly the scripts independently. To test them, run the corresponding test script like below:
python3 -m tests.my_test
To run a retrain of Inception
python3 -m tests.test_command_classification --retrain
You shall now wait for 3 to 7 minutes depending on your CPU
To run an image labelling test
python3 -m tests.test_command_classification --label [optional path to one or more images]
Ouput :
Testing image labelling
python3 /home/paul/Projects/POOA/mosquito-monitoring/classification/ --graph=/home/paul/Projects/POOA/mosquito-monitoring/classification/tensorflow/export_1/graph.db --labels /home/paul/Projects/POOA/mosquito-monitoring/classification/tensorflow/export_1/labels.txt --input_layer=Placeholder --output_layer=final_result --image /home/paul/Projects/POOA/mosquito-monitoring/dataset/aedes/pic_001.jpg
2018-10-23 14:28:34.619292: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
[['aedes', '0.8780854'], ['culex', '0.11636846'], ['anopheles', '0.0055461014']]