This touchdesigner plugin is supposed to generate images for a touchdesigner generative video network using ....
Touchdesigner only works on Mac and Windows, this project was built on ARM MacOS. Please download Touchdesigner from the official derivative website and install it.
Currently you have to install rye package manager to build the project until we get a ci/cd pipeline that builds the dist
First please build and install the project globally
rye build
pip install dist/touchdesigner_plugin-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Now navigate to the td_workflow folder and open the latest version of the td_workflow project td_workflow.toe
This project uses rye package manager. It's simple to use just go to the folder
rye sync
rye run python ...
The random image generator is a simple image server that generates images using opencv you can run it using rye since it doesn't have any additional dependencies
cd path/to/StreamDiffusion
cd path/to/touchdesigner-plugin
cd src
# for reference `echo $PYTHONPATH` should return sth like this
# /home/<user>/workspace/StreamDiffusion:/home/<user>/workspace/touchdesigner-plugin/src
# now run it
cd path/to/touchdesigner_plugin
rye run python src/touchdesigner_plugin/
That's it you can now generate colorful images in your techdesigner session.
To install stream diffusion please follow the instructions on their Github repository. You have to install it independently from the rye packaged project here and run it in a separate virtual environment. I can't say more because it highly depends on your GPU setup.
The stream diffusion is integrated in the, please activate your virtual environment and run it and then just start your touchdesigner session and start generating.
# activate virtual env e.g.
source .venv/bin/activate
python src/touchdesigner/
That's it you should now be able to use the generate images in touchdesigner.
If you want to forward a port from the remote machine to local e.g. port 8188 remote to 8190 local
ssh -L 8190:localhost:8188 <user>@<remote-ip>
Now access it on the local machine under http://localhost:8190
If you have issues using rye you can always generate a good old requirements.txt by doing the following
sed '/-e/d' requirements.lock > requirements.txt
# now make python virtualenv e.g.
python3 -m venv .td
source .td/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt