Official repository of UCU student-organized Linux Club 22/23 with the schedule, useful links and presentations.
We also have a website over here!
- Personal laptop.
- ArchLinux on your PC (not VM) or other Arch-based systems. Can be Manjaro, but NOT Debian- or Fedora-based systems.
- GNOME 3 + Gnome shell or i3, BUT not (KDE, XFCE, MATE, Sway etc).
- Basic knowledge of the English language
- GitHub account.
- USB flash drive 8Gb+
- Webcams on during online presentations.
- Desire to learn something new and useful that will assist you throughout your career.
If you are going to visit the club regularly, the best is to install Arch/Manjaro natively. If you can't, you are going to need:
- brew package manager
... More coming soon
- Watching the Revolution OS movie: original version
- Reading about Linux distros in general Wiki page on Linux, Wiki page on Linux distributions
Intro and Club Presentation - Teodor Muzychuk
Intro to Open Source - Teodor Muzychuk
Package managers - Bohdan Ruban
С++ Crash Course (recommended for 2nd year students) - Ostap Trush and Mykhailo Sobko
CLI and Bash - Teodor Muzychuk
Git and Github Workshop - Dmytro Shumshkyi
Vim + tmux - Teodor Muzychuk
Linux Filesystem Hierarchy - Ostap Trush
Regular Expressions - Dmytro Shumshkyi
Partition Tables and Bootloaders - Roman Mutel
Filesystems - Oleksii Hoyev
SSH - Roman Mutel
Kernel, Systemd, Utilities - Ostap Seryvko
Graphics: DM, DE, WM,, rice - Ostap Seryvko
Internet Utilities and Features - Oleksii Hoyev
- Fork this repository
- Watch the lecture
- Work on your homework in the 'homework' directory
- Submit a pull request into your own repository's master
- Add us as contributors into your repository
- Add the responsible person as a reviewer to the pull request
- Done!
- Fork this repository
- Add any content and homework tasks in the 'homework' directory
- Share a link to your presentation (either an Overleaf Latex one, or a Google Drive presentation in our collaborative folder)
- Submit pull requests when you're done working on your stuff!