This module provides a solution for sorted maps, that is it has the properties that
- Keys point to Values
- Each Key must be unique
- A Key can be found within O(Log N) time
- The data is stored as sorted by Key
- Adds and removals take O(N) time
Defining an empty map:
let NAME : SimpleMap<TYPE1,TYPE2> = simple_map::create();
Operations on maps:
Lets understand various operations on maps using the module given below.
module my_addrx::Mapping
use std::simple_map::{SimpleMap,Self};
use std::string::{String,utf8};
public fun mapping_in_move()
let mp:SimpleMap<u64,String> = simple_map::create(); //creating an empty map where Key->integer and Value->string.
//adding the key and corresponding value in the map
simple_map::add(&mut mp,1 ,utf8(b"John"));
simple_map::add(&mut mp,2 ,utf8(b"Ben"));
simple_map::add(&mut mp,3 ,utf8(b"Tony"));
simple_map::add(&mut mp,4 ,utf8(b"Gwen"));
//calculating the length of the map
let l=simple_map::length(&mut mp);
//checking if a given key exists or not in the vector
let x=simple_map::contains_key(&mut mp,&2);
//removing key value pair in the map
simple_map::remove(&mut mp,&2);
assert!(simple_map::contains_key(&mut mp,&2)==false,1);
//borrowing immutable reference to the value of a given key
let v=simple_map::borrow(&mut mp,&3);
//borrowing mutable reference to the value of a given key
let v=simple_map::borrow_mut(&mut mp,&3);
*v=utf8(b"Changed Name");
assert!(simple_map::borrow(&mut mp,&3)==&utf8(b"Changed Name"),1);
fun testing()
{% hint style="info" %} For more information on maps follow this link. {% endhint %}