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experiment chat application with python, cassandra and kafka

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saksa - experiment chat application with python, kafka and stuffs


  • python>=3.8, poetry
  • Node>=14, yarn
  • kafka
  • kafka-connect
  • scylladb
  • rocksdb~=6's shared library and development files



Default to production, which requires front-end to be built.

Otherwise, use development which proxies requests from front-end server.



Comma separated host[:port] of kafka nodes.

Default:, for development only.



The only one address of a node of scylla in cluster.

Default port should be 9042 because it's not configurable yet.


Verbose logs.


  1. Install dependencies
  • Python poetry install
  • Front-end yarn install

For details, you could check the Dockerfile.

  1. Start services (kafka, scylla, kafka-connect)

You can run with provided docker-compose.yml.

$ docker-compose up -d

For scylladb, you need to manually create saksa keyspace. Then run migrations, with example command:

$ cat migrations/00001_create_messages_table/up.cql | docker exec -i saksa_scylladb_1 cqlsh -k saksa

The scylla connector requires messages table to be created first.

Install the connector:

$ curl -XPUT localhost:8083/connectors/ScyllaConnector/config -d @docker/connect/scylla-connector.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  1. Configuration

Create an .env file in the root repo and add values for each setting described above.

  1. Start front-end
$ yarn dev
  1. Start back-end
$ uvicorn --factory saksa:create_app --log-level=debug --reload
  1. Start faust worker
$ faust -A saksa.kafka_worker worker -l info --without-web
  1. Access to the application on http://localhost:8000

Production build

  1. Build front-end
$ yarn build
  1. Build python package
$ poetry build

The artifacts are located at /dist directory.