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UI for Lando (An automatic code lander for Mozilla)


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Lando UI

lando-ui is a Flask-based web application that serves as a graphical user interface to Lando API. It is separate from the latter to isolate the logic of automatic landings from its interface(s).

What's Deployed


Please read the general Conduit contribution guidelines before getting into the specifics of lando-ui.


  • docker and docker-compose (on OS X and Windows you should use the full Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows systems, respectively)
  • pyinvoke
    • Because pyinvoke currently has no backwards-compatibility guarantees, it is suggested that you install exactly version 0.21.0 via pip: pip install invoke==0.21.0 or pip install --user invoke==0.21.0.

    • You can use a virtualenv instead of installing it system wide, but you should create the virtualenv outside of the lando-ui source directory so that the linter doesn't check the virtualenv files.

    • If you are running Windows, you will need a special file in your user directory (typically C:\Users\<username>\) called .invoke.yml. It should contain the following:

        shell: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

Basic setup

As Flask requires a real server name to use session cookies, you will need to make an entry in your host config or a local DNS server. On Linux and MacOS, the hosts file is located at /etc/hosts; on Windows, it is located at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts. The format is the same on all three OSs, requiring the addition of the following line:           lando-ui.test

If you are using Docker Machine, you will need to replace with the IP of your Docker Machine host. Note that you should use on Windows if you use the full Docker for Windows installation.

After updating your hosts file (no reboot is required), in a terminal simply run docker-compose up in the root lando-ui directory. On Windows, we recommend using Git Bash, which provides a Linux-like terminal interface.

After a while, you will see within docker-compose's output a line like this:

lando-ui_1    |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

At this point, you should be able to visit http://lando-ui.test:7777/ in your browser.

Use with lando-api

lando-ui requires an instance of lando-api to talk to in order to do anything interesting. The default configuration sets the location of lando-api to http://lando-api.test:8888, which is the default for a local installation of lando-api.

Running the tests

lando-ui's tests use pytest with pytest-flask, executed within a Docker container. The tests are located in ./tests/. You can run all of them via invoke:

invoke test

Subsets of the tests, e.g. linters, and other commands are also available. Run invoke -l to see all tasks.

Updating Requirements

Requirements are tracked using pip-compile's input format as, which generates a requirements.txt. You can re-compile the requirements file using the same Python version as in the Dockerfile using the build-requirements recipe in docker-compose:

docker-compose run build-requirements

Setting up Auth0

We use Auth0 to authenticate application users. You will need to sign up for a personal Auth0 account to manually test code landing workflows and protected pages.

After signing up you must create an Auth0 Application for lando-ui testing. See the Auth0 docs for details on how to do this.

Once you have created the lando-ui Application in your Auth0 management dashboard, go to the Application page and configure the following:

  • Client Type: Regular Web Application
  • Token Endpoint Authentication Method: POST
  • Allowed Callback URLs: http://lando-ui.test:7777/redirect_uri, http://lando-ui.test/redirect_uri
  • Allowed Web Origins: (leave blank)
  • Allowed Logout URLs: http://lando-ui.test:7777/signout, http://lando-ui.test/signout
  • Allowed Origins (CORS): (leave blank)
  • Click Show Advanced Settings on the Client Settings page, then select the OAuth tab:
    • JsonWebToken Signature Algorithm: HS256

Create an Auth0 API (click API in the Auth0 left side bar)

  • Name: lando-api
  • Identifier/URI: http://lando-api.test
  • Signing Algorithm: RS256
  • Go to the new API's Permissions tab and add a permission:
    • Name: lando
    • Description: Bearer has authorized Lando to land code on their behalf

Create a docker-compose.override.yml file in repository's root directory with the following:

version: '2'
      - OIDC_DOMAIN=your personal auth0 domain with no http prefix
      - OIDC_CLIENT_ID=your Auth0 Client ID (from the Client Settings page)
      - OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=your Auth0 Client Secret (from the Client Settings page)
      - LANDO_API_OIDC_IDENTIFIER=the identifier you gave to the API you made (e.g. http://lando-api.test)

Restart the lando-ui service with docker-compose.

To log in to your new service you must create a User account.

  1. Visit http://lando-ui.test:7777/ in your browser. You should see the Lando front page as a signed-out or anonymous user would see it.
  2. Click the "Log in" button on the top navigation bar and you will be presented with the lando-ui sign-in page.
  3. On the lando-ui sign-in page click the "Sign Up" tab.
  4. Follow the sign-up instructions. (Using the "Sign Up With Google" button makes this task trivial.)

You should now be able to use the lando-ui "Log in" and "Log out" buttons.

How do I make the Land button work?

You need to change some settings in the lando-api service to make the Land button in lando-ui function. See the LOCALDEV_MOCK environment variables in the lando-api docker-compose.yml for details.

Developing and testing against Conduit Suite

Sometimes it's necessary to use a more realistic infrastructure setup to test template rendering, frontend/backend interactions, and to test with special case data such as secure revisions. We can achieve this by running our Lando UI project code inside the Conduit Suite project's development environment. Conduit Suite provides all of the collaborating services (Lando API, Phabricator, BMO) necessary for Lando UI to function as the real service would.

  1. First set up Auth0 according to the Setting up Auth0 instruction section above.

  2. Next follow the [Conduit Suite] generic setup instructions. Verify that you can run the Suite project from in it's own project directory with docker-compose up. Verify that you can use the firefox-proxy script in the Suite project's root directory to access the Suite's bundled copy of Lando UI.

  3. Once you have the Suite running with it's bundled copy of Lando UI you can modify its docker-compose configuration to build and run lando-ui from the sources in the project directory you have been hacking in. Instructions are in the Conduit Suite project README.


To chat with Lando users and developers, join them on Matrix.