This service creates and synchronizes Google Shared Drives (previously called Google Team Drives) with access groups. Each time an access group is created or the members of that group change, an associated Google Shared Drive is created or updated so that the members of that access group have access to the Google Shared Drive
The syntax of the name of the Google Shared Drive is such that an access group
called hr-admins
would result in a Google Shared Drive called
This service was created to enable community members to access content in GSuite more easily.
- Spin up on cron/event trigger.
- Scan the dynamodb table of all profiles.
- Build a group data structure from all profiles.
- Create a TeamDrive object from the library.
- Opportunistically create team drive.
- Reconcile the permissions list with the group membership based e-mail preferring, then verified Google accounts.
- Return a proposal per drive of add / remove / noops.
- Execute the proposal for each set of ops.
- Finish
Q: Can a Mozilla Employee or Community Member delete the drive?
A: No all members of the drive are equal, "writer" role. Only the drive owner can delete the drive. In this case "" owns the drive object.
Q: Will a leaked service account credential result in loss of data for our other team drives.
A: While this is non-ideal the credential impersonation only has access to the scopes and data it's granted in the GSuite console. This particular service account "iam robot" is in it's own sub-org and only has control of drives it creates.
Q: How long does it take to get access?
A: The connector runs in about 10-seconds for add/remove operations.
Q: What happens if an admin messes up and adds people to the drive that don't belong.
A: The event-trigger for the function runs every 10-minutes. Any member that is not added via will be removed.
Sample Credstash Secret Insert of Service Account Token for SVC Actor Role
credstash -r us-west-2 put -a gsuite-driver.token @/GSuite-Community-Driver-4ba74895df1f.json app=gsuite-driver
docker run --rm -ti \
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
-v `pwd`:/workspace \
mozillaiam/docker-sls:latest \
sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
sls deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2