Stefan Arentz, October 2020
Small toolbox of scripts to automate a bunch of things we now mostly do manually:
- Update Android-Components to new GeckoView (Beta) releases
- Creating Android-Components Releases
- Pulling a new Android-Components release into Fenix
Work in progress.
$ docker build -t relbot .
$ docker run -it --rm relbot ...command...
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --require-hashes -r requirements/dev.txt
pre-commit install --install-hooks
Testing runs against GitHub repositories. You will quickly run into its rate limiting. This can be avoided by using a Personal Access Token.
Go to and create a new token (no additional scopes necessary). Set it in your shell:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<the generated token>
You can then run the tests:
Note: testing might fail due to changing upstream repositories.
Then review and commit the changes. Create a new pull requests.