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JEP Location Bar Buttons 2

Irakli Gozalishvili edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 2 revisions

Location bar buttons are regular buttons described by a [JEP Navbar Buttons](JEP Navbar Buttons 2), but used in specific context that implies semantic and visual differences.

  1. These buttons are placed inside the Location bar (see the Mockup) instead of Navigation bar.
  2. Limited size of location bar implies fixed "small" (16px) size for its buttons. Attempts to use different size are simply ignored and buttons of 16px are rendered (maybe warnings are dumped and nothing is rendered).
  3. Button in the location bar, unlike ones in the navbar, when disabled (field is set to true) simply are not displayed.
  4. Button in the location bar are associated to a content document under that URL.

Disabled buttons in Location Bar

Disabling button in the location bar means that given button is not relevant in the given page context, there for it is not displayed. For example this behavior can be observed on a "New Tab" page, where the bookmark button (star icon) is not present, since bookmarking that page makes no sense.

So to summarize, disabling button in the context of location bar means not relevant and there for not displayed, until enabled again.

Context sensitivity

In contrast to button placed in the navigation bar, button placed in the location bar implies context of the page under the given location. Logically this button must be given context of pages reflecting when it is relevant. To do that button must be given a context of MatchPattern (already known from page-mod API):

    const { ActionButton } = require("sdk/ui);
    const { MatchPattern } = require("page-mod/match-pattern);

    let patternButton = ActionButton({
      id: "drink-button",
      // Button is only enabled, there for present on pages that
      // match "*" pattern.
      context: MatchPattern("*"),
      label: "Drink a Beer",
      image: "./beer.png"

    patternButton.on("click", function() {
      console.log("Drink a Beer right now!");

Note that in example above MatchPattern was used to specify context, although it's redundant and pattern string or regexp could be used directly.

Since button is given a context of specific pages it will only be present on pages that matches that context.


Location bar buttons are just a regular buttons, there for their behavior is the same, they comply to same "state chain" rules, but again only present in a relevant page contexts.

    let { ToogleButton } = require("sdk/ui");

    let readLater = ToggleButton({
      id: "read-button",
      // Note: this time we just duck typed pattern
      context "*",
      label: "read later",
      image: "./read-off.png",
      checked: false,
       // hidden by default, even if the `context` pattern is matched
      disabled: true,
      // Add remove item to a read list.
      onChange: function() { /* ... * / }

    // This just illustrates how `disabled` works.
    require("sdk/tabs").on("ready", function(tab) {
      // In this case whether button is displayed or not depends on
      // the content of the page rather than URL. If button does not
      // relevant in the given `tab` context it's not displayed anyway
      // so updating state will have no effect.
      readLater.state(tab, {
        disabled: tab.contentType.indexOf("image/") === -1,
        checked: !isInReadmeList(tab.url)

Note that above example illustrates how state is set per tab, but all other rules also apply. General state can also be set to disable/enable all of the buttons or check / uncheck them. State updates can also be done at the window level.



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