This module is a demonstration of how to connect several databases to Magento 2
You need to set all external connections inside env.php config file (see docs/env.php.sample).
Add new connection
and resource
'connection' => [
'external_db1' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
'dbname' => 'external1',
'username' => 'external1',
'password' => 'external1',
'model' => 'mysql4',
'engine' => 'innodb',
'initStatements' => 'SET NAMES utf8;',
'active' => '1',
'driver_options' => [
1014 => false
'resource' => [
'external_connection1' => [
'connection' => 'external_db1'
If needed just a simple external connection for single entity, one could just adjust corresponding resource model.
<type name="Perspective\ExternalConnection\Model\ResourceModel\ExternalEntity">
<argument name="connectionName" xsi:type="string">external_db1</argument>
Where connectionName
argument equals connection
element from resource
node in env.php
configuration file.
If one need several external collection, I suggest to use Factory Method.
Create Resource for every external connection
using virtualType
<virtualType name="\Db1\ResourceModel\ExternalEntity"
<argument name="connectionName" xsi:type="string">external_db1</argument>
<virtualType name="\Db2\ResourceModel\ExternalEntity"
<argument name="connectionName" xsi:type="string">external_db2</argument>
Prepare Repositories for every entity and every connection
using virtualType
<virtualType name="\Db1\Api\ExternalEntityRepositoryInterface"
<argument name="resource" xsi:type="string">\Db1\ResourceModel\ExternalEntity</argument>
<virtualType name="\Db2\Api\ExternalEntityRepositoryInterface"
<argument name="resource" xsi:type="string">\Db2\ResourceModel\ExternalEntity</argument>
Prepare Factory for Repositories
<type name="Perspective\ExternalConnection\Model\ExternalEntityRepositoryFactory">
<argument name="instanceNames" xsi:type="array">
<item name="db1" xsi:type="string">\Db1\Api\ExternalEntityRepositoryInterface</item>
<item name="db2" xsi:type="string">\Db2\Api\ExternalEntityRepositoryInterface</item>
See usage example in \Perspective\ExternalConnection\Console\Command\ExternalConnection
Magento Resource Models use \Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface
to establish connection to database.
Now Magento Framework has only Mysql implementation.
But one could use \Zend_Db
to establish connections to different DBMS.
For example to load data from MsSQL DB:
- add connection data to
(see docs/env.php.sample)
'db' => [
'connection' => [
'default' => [...]
'sqlsrv' => [
'host' => '',
'dbname' => 'dotnet_db',
'username' => 'SA',
'password' => 'YourStrongPassw0rd'
- load configuration using
$connectionData = $this->deploymentConfig->get('db/connection/sqlsrv');
- create
$dbAdapter = $this->mssqlAdapterFactory->factory('Sqlsrv', $connectionData);
- use
to load needed data
$select = $dbAdapter->select()->from(
['FieldID', 'DataField', 'LinkField']
$data = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($select);
- using
one can load all rows or filter by condition
$select = $dbAdapter->select()
->where('LinkField = ?', $linkFieldId);
$data = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($select);
- or load just one row
$dataRow = $dbAdapter->fetchRow($select);
For example see \Perspective\ExternalConnection\Console\Command\SclsrvConnection