There are many ways you can install Ansible, for this demo we will install it with pip. You can check other ways to install it in:
Make sure you have python installed:
python --version
If you don't, install it with:
sudo yum install -y python
Make sure you have pip installed:
If you don't, install it with:
sudo yum install -y python-pip
Install Ansible:
pip install ansible
Make sure you have Ansible installed:
ansible --version
As we installed Ansible with pip, there will not be an ansible directorin in etc, we need to create one:
sudo mkdir /etc/ansible/
Inside this directory, we need to create a config file for Anisble
sudo vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
please refer to the ansible.cfg file to review the contents
We also need to create the hosts file
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
please refer to the hosts file to review the contents
To validate the above, you can list the hosts defined
ansible-inventory -y --list
As Ansible communicates with port 22, you need to add it to the security group inbound rules for master and host to communicate.
On the master server: Create an SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
we created a private and public key, we need to copy the public key to the host server so they can connect
On the host server: Edit the sshd config file:
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change PasswordAuthentication param to yes:
PasswordAuthentication yes
Restart daemon:
sudo systemctl restart sshd
On the master server: Copy public key to host
ssh-copy-id <host_ip>
Validate connection:
ansible all -m ping
- Create a User
- Install a software
- Copy files or a directory into the new user’s home directory
- Change the permissions and ownership to a file/s
- Create a playbook with all the tasks above
Please refer to the playbooks folder for each one.
To run a playbook you need to run the command:
ansible-playbook <file name>
Create a User On the host server use below command to validate the current users:
less /etc/passwd
Install a software Validate if the software is installed with:
<software> --version
Check if the service is running with:
sudo systemctl status <service>
Copy files or a directory into the new user’s home directory Go to the directory where you copied the file and type ls
Change the permissions and ownership to a file/s Go to the directory of the file and type ll, validate changes are in place
Create a playbook with all the tasks above Open port 80 to your IP in the security group, copy the host public IP and paste it on a browser adding :80 at the end and see your webserver running.