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An automated method for detecting bugs in OpenCL compilers, by generating large random kernels using the CLsmith generator, identifying kernels that yield result differences, and using this novel extension to C-Reduce to automatically reduce such kernels to minimal forms that can be filed as bug reports.

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1. Info

This is basically a wrapper project which contains links (submodules) to all tools required to reduce OpenCL kernels. Additionally it will contain the interestingness tests which can be used during the reduction. Finally this project will always point to version of the other tools that can be used together.

Detailed information about the specific tools is provided by the original authors.

2. Setup

2.1. Prerequisites

  • Git
  • Visual Studio (Windows only)
  • m4 (CLSmith header file generation)

2.1.1 Download all submodules

git submodule sync
git submodule init
git submodule update

2.1.2 C-Reduce dependencies

For a complete list please have a look at the C-Reduce repository.

  • Flex
  • Perl
    • Exporter::Lite
    • File::Which
    • Getopt::Tabular
    • Regexp::Common
    • Sys::CPU (optional)
    • Term::ReadKey (optional)

2.1.3 Interestingness test dependencies

The interestingness tests have been tested with the following version of Python

  • Python 3.4 (branch python34; deprecated)
  • Python 3.5

2.2. Configure and build CLSmith (optional) and cl_launcher

mkdir build_clsmith
cd build_clsmith
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ../CLSmith
cd ..


cmake --build ./build_clsmith --target INSTALL --config Release -- /m:8


cmake --build ./build_clsmith --target install --config Release -- -j 8

For instructions how to use CLSmith and cl_launcher please visit:

2.3. Configure (and build) LLVM and Clang

mkdir build_llvm
cd build_llvm
cd ..

2.3.1 Build LLVM and Clang (optional, recommended)

If you already have a version of LLVM and Clang you can use it instead and do not have to rebuild it.


cmake --build ./build_llvm --target INSTALL --config Release -- /m:8


cmake --build ./build_llvm --target install --config Release -- -j 8

2.4. Configure and build Oclgrind

mkdir build_oclgrind
cd build_oclgrind

If you have build LLVM and Clang from the sources contained in this project (or LLVM and Clang are contained in your PATH environment) the command to generate the CMakeFiles for Oclgrind does not need any customisation.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../Oclgrind
cd ..

Otherwise, if you previously skipped step 2.2.1 and your custom LLVM and Clang are not contained in your PATH environment you have to tell Oclgrind explicitly where to find them.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_DIR=path/to/llvm/share/llvm/cmake ../Oclgrind
cd ..

In either case the command to build Oclgrind is the same.


cmake --build ./build_oclgrind --target INSTALL --config Release -- /m:8


cmake --build ./build_oclgrind --target install --config Release -- -j 8

2.5. Configure and build C-Reduce

mkdir build_creduce
cd build_creduce
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../creduce
cd ..


cmake --build ./build_creduce --target INSTALL --config Release -- /m:8


cmake --build ./build_creduce --target install --config Release -- -j 8

2.6. Setup environment

All tools have been installed into clreduce/install/bin. To make the access to the tools easier it is recommended to add this directory to the PATH environment.

Header files are installed into clreduce/install/include/.

To run the provided interestingness tests it is further required to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to the path of the cloned clreduce directory.

Additionally, there are a few environment variables which are used to configure the interestingness tests and some other useful bits and pieces.

  • CLSMITH_PATH (not required for reductions themselves):
    • Has to point to the include/CLSmith directory created by the CLSmith project which contains required runtime header files
    • Used to automatically generate and pre-process test cases
    • Has to point to the generic/include directory of the libclc submodule
    • Required by C-Reduce to be able to parse OpenCL test cases
    • Has to be set to the number of the platform under test
    • Has to be set to the number of the device under test
  • CREDUCE_TEST_CL_LAUNCHER (optional, default=cl_launcher):
    • Can be used to specify the cl_launcher executable for the interestingness tests
    • If not specified the PATH environment is searched for cl_launcher
  • CREDUCE_TEST_CLANG (optional, default=clang):
    • Can be used to specify the Clang executable for the interestingness tests
    • If not specified the PATH environment is searched for clang
  • CREDUCE_TEST_TIMEOUT (optional, default=300):
    • Timeout in seconds for each of the programs run during the interestingness test (not the overall runtime of the test)
  • CREDUCE_TEST_USE_ORACLE (optional, default=1):
    • Used by the wrong-code-bug interestingness tests
    • If set to 1 Oclgrind is used as oracle against which the output of cl_launcher is compared to determine the interestingness of a test case
    • If set to 0 differential testing between the optimised and the unoptimised result is applied in the interestingness test
  • CREDUCE_TEST_OPTIMISATION_LEVEL (optional, default=either):
    • Only meaningful if CREDUCE_TEST_USE_ORACLE is set to 1
    • Specifies the optimisation levels for which the outputs have to be different from the oracle to make a test case interesting
    • Possible values are optimised, unoptimised, either and all
  • CREDUCE_TEST_CONSERVATIVE (optional, default=1):
    • Controls whether the interstingness test checks that the result access in the kernel is only done by get_linear_global_id() and the this function is not changed
    • The additional checks are enabled if set to 1
  • CREDUCE_TEST_STATIC (optional, default=1):
    • Controls whether the interstingness test includes static checks
    • Can be used to speed up testing of generated test cases if it can assumed they are valid
    • The static checks disabled if set to 0

3. Running a reduction

The repository provides a helper script to simplify the steps from creating a test case with CLSmith up to the actual reduction. This can involve the following (independent) steps:

  • Generating test cases
  • Preprocessing test cases to make them self-contained
  • Checking which test cases are interesting
  • Reducing work sizes (local, global) to speed up the reduction
  • Reducing test cases

Not all arguments are going to be described in the following overview. The script has a built-in --help command to list all available arguments.

3.1 Generating test cases

The following command generates 1000 test cases using the CLSmith mode vectors and stores them into the directory vec1000_raw.

python3 ./scripts/ --generate 1000 --output vec1000_raw --modes vectors

If --output is not specified a new directory with a random name is created.

3.2 Preprocessing test cases

The following command takes the previously generated test cases, preprocesses them and stores them into a new directory.

python3 ./scripts/ --test-case-dir ./vec1000_raw --preprocess --output vec1000_pre

Instead of a directory containing test cases it is also possible to specify an arbitrary number of test cases by using --test-cases [...].

3.3 Reducing the work sizes

The following command specifies that the input test cases are already preprocessed -- this means CLSmith and its header files are not required --, and tries to reduce the global and local work sizes. This helps to speed up the reduction if the bug is still present when the test case is executed with a smaller work size.

python3 ./scripts/ --test-case-dir ./vec1000_pre --preprocessed --output vec1000_rws --reduce-work-sizes-unchecked

The two possible options are --reduce-work-sizes-checked and --reduce-work-sizes-unchecked. The first one performs an interstingness test after each modification the latter one simply set the smallest possible value -- currently just one work item and one work group.

3.4 Testing for interestingness

The following command checks for each of the test cases if it is interesting according to the criterion specified as --test argument.

python3 ./scripts/ --test-case-dir ./vec1000_rws --preprocessed --output vec1000_chk --test wrong-code-bug --check

The output directory contains only the test cases which have been determined to be interesting.

3.5 Reducing test cases

The following command reduces the specified test cases with respect to the criterion specified as --test argument.

python3 ./scripts/ --test-case-dir ./vec1000_chk --preprocessed --output vec1000_red --test wrong-code-bug --reduce -n 4 --verbose

The argument -n 4 specifies that C-Reduce should use 4 interestingness test in parallel to speed up the reduction. Because Oclgrind is using a lot of memory for its undefined value check running many interestingness tests in parallel is likely to cause out-of-memory situations.

The argument --verbose is passed to C-Reduce and enables a more detailed logging of the reduction process.

3.6 Putting it all together

Instead of running all the commands one by one they can all be used in just one invocation.

python3 ./scripts/ --generate 1000 --modes vectors barriers --preprocess --reduce-work-sizes-unchecked --output reduced --test wrong-code-bug --check --reduce -n 4 --verbose

4. Standalone interestingness tests

The interestingness tests are desgined in such a way that it is possible to call them from a command line. In this case the test case has to be passed as argument to the interestingness test.

python3 ./interestingness_tests/

The script exits with status code 0 if the test case is considered interesting and 1 otherwise.


An automated method for detecting bugs in OpenCL compilers, by generating large random kernels using the CLsmith generator, identifying kernels that yield result differences, and using this novel extension to C-Reduce to automatically reduce such kernels to minimal forms that can be filed as bug reports.






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