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Vector Database for the DH at Max Planck Society initiative


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Vector Database for the DH at Max Planck Society initiative


This is an application serving an API to handle embeddings. It stores embeddings in a PostgreSQL backend and uses its vector support, but allows you to manage different users, projects, and LLM configurations via a simple Restful API.

The typical use case is as a component of a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) workflow: You create embeddings for a collection of text snippets and upload them to this API. For each text snippet, you upload a text identifier, the embeddings vector and, optionally, metadata or the text itself. Then, you can

  • GET the most similar texts for a text that is already in the database by specifying the text's identifier in an URL, and eventually later
  • POST another text and get the most similar texts in the database

In both cases, the service returns a list of text identifiers that you can then use in your own processing, perhaps based on other means of providing the respective texts.


  • OpenAPI documentation
  • Supports different embeddings configurations (e.g. dimensions)
  • Rights management (authentication via API token)

Getting started

For compiling, you should run go get ./... ; sqlc generate --no-remote ; go build -o build/dhamps-vdb main.go (or in place of the last command you can also run it directly with go run main.go). For testing (i.e. without compiling and deploying), you can go to the main directory of the git repository and launch the vdb app like this:

For running, you need an admin key and a couple of other variables. Have a look in options.go for the full list and documentation.

You can specify them as command line options, with environment values or in an .env file. This last option is recommended because this way, the sensitive information will not be in the command history; but you have to take care of this file's security. For instance, it will/should not be synced to your versioning platform, it is thus listed in .gitignore by default.

If you authenticate with this key, you can create users by POSTing to the /v1/users endpoint. (The response to user creation will communicate an API key for the new user. Keep it safe, it is not stored anywhere and cannot be recovered.) Then, either the admin or the user can create projects, llm services and finally post embeddings and get similar elements.

When launching, the application checks and migrates the database schema to the appropriate version if possible. It presupposes however, that a suitable database and user (with appropriate privileges) have been created beforehand. SQL commands to prepare the database are listed below. For other ways of running, e.g. for tests or with a container instead of an external database, see below as well.


The API key is communicated in the Authorization header with a Bearer prefix, e.g. Bearer 024v2013621509245f2e24. Most operations can only be done by the (admin or the) owner of the resource in question. For projects and their embeddings, you can define other user accounts that should be authorized as readers, too. (But at the moment, the function for adding them is still missing.)


In the following table, the version number is skipped for readibility reasons. Nevertheless, it is the first component of all these endpoints.

For a more detailed, and always up-to-date documentation of the endpoints, including query parameters, return values and data schemes, see the automatically generated live OpenAPI document at /openapi.yaml or the browsable version at /docs.

Endpoint Method Description Allowed Users
/admin/footgun GET Reset Database: Remove all records from database and reset serials/counters admin
/users GET Get all users (list of handles) registered with the Db admin
/users POST Register a new user with the Db admin
/users/<username> GET Get information about user <username> admin, <username>
/users/<username> PUT Register a new user with the Db admin
/users/<username> DELETE Delete a user and all their projects/llm services from the Db admin, <username>
/projects/<username> GET Get all projects (objects) for user <username> admin, <username>
/projects/<username> POST Register a new project for user <username> admin, <username>
/projects/<username>/<projectname> GET Get project information for <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>
/projects/<username>/<projectname> PUT Register a new project calles <projectname> for user <username> admin, <username>
/projects/<username>/<projectname> DELETE Delete <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>
/llm-services/<username> GET Get all LLM services (objects) for user <username> admin, <username>
/llm-services/<username> POST Register a new LLM service for user <username> admin, <username>
/llm-services/<username>/<llm_servicename> GET Get information about LLM service <llm_servicename> of user <username> admin, <username>
/llm-services/<username>/<llm_servicename> PUT Register a new LLM service called <llm_servicename> for user <username> admin, <username>
/llm-services/<username>/<llm_servicename> DELETE Delete <username>'s LLM service <llm_servicename> admin, <username>
/api-standards GET Get all defined API standards* public
/api-standards POST Register a new API standard* admin
/api-standards/<standardname> GET Get information about API standard* <standardname> public
/api-standards/<standardname> PUT Register a new API standard* <standardname> admin
/api-standards/<standardname> DELETE Delete API standard* <standardname> admin
/embeddings/<username>/<projectname> GET Get all embeddings for <username>'s project <projectname> (use limit and offset for paging) admin, <username>, authorized readers
/embeddings/<username>/<projectname> POST Register a new record with an embeddings vector for <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>
/embeddings/<username>/<projectname> DELETE Delete all embeddings for <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>
/embeddings/<username>/<projectname>/<identifier> GET Get embeddings and other information about text <identifier> from <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>, authorized readers
/embeddings/<username>/<projectname>/<identifier> DELETE Delete record <identifier> from <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>
/similars/<username>/<projectname>/<identifier> GET Get a list of identifiers for records that are similar to the text <identifier> in <username>'s project <projectname> admin, <username>, authorized readers

* API standards are definitions of how to access an LLM Service: API endpoints, authentication mechanism etc. They are referred to from LLM Service definitions. When LLM Processing will be attempted, this is what will be implemented. Examples are the Cohere Embed API, Version 2, as documented in, or the OpenAI Embeddings API, Version 1, as documented in You can find these examples in the valid_api_standard*.json files in the testdata directory.

API Versioning

We are at v1. The first path component to all the endpoints (except for the OpenAPI file) is the version number, e.g. POST https://<hostname>/v1/embeddings/<user>/<project>.

Code creation and structure

This API is programmed in go and uses the huma framework with go's stock http.ServeMux() routing.

Some initial code and some later bugfixes have been developed in dialogue with ChatGPT. After manual inspection and correction, this is the project structure:

├── .env           // This is not distributed because it's in .gitignore
├── .gitignore
├── .repopackignore
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── repopack-output.xml
├── repopack.config.json
├── sqlc.yaml
├── template.env
├── api/
│   └── openapi.yml          // OpenAPI spec file, not up to date
├── docs/
│   └──           // Code as suggested by ChatGPT (GPT4 turbo and GPT4o) on 2024-06-09
├── internal/
│   ├── auth/
│   │   └── authenticate.go
│   ├── database/
│   │   ├── migrations/
│   │   │   ├── 001_create_initial_scheme.sql
│   │   │   ├── 002_create_emb_index.sql
│   │   │   ├── tern.conf        // This is not distributed because it's in .gitignore
│   │   │   └── tern.conf.tpl
│   │   ├── queries/
│   │   │   └── queries.sql
│   │   ├── database.go
│   │   ├── db.go                // This is auto-generated by sqlc
│   │   ├── migrations.go
│   │   ├── models.go            // This is auto-generated by sqlc
│   │   └── queries.sql.go       // This is auto-generated by sqlc
│   ├── handlers/
│   │   ├── admin.go
│   │   ├── admin_test.go
│   │   ├── api_standards.go
│   │   ├── api_standards_test.go
│   │   ├── embeddings.go
│   │   ├── embeddings_test.go
│   │   ├── handlers.go
│   │   ├── handlers_test.go
│   │   ├── llm_processes.go
│   │   ├── llm_services.go
│   │   ├── llm_services_test.go
│   │   ├── projects.go
│   │   ├── projects_test.go
│   │   ├── similars.go
│   │   ├── users.go
│   │   └── users_test.go
│   └── models/
│       ├── admin.go
│       ├── api_standards.go
│       ├── embeddings.go
│       ├── llm_processes.go
│       ├── llm_services.go
│       ├── options.go
│       ├── projects.go
│       ├── similars.go
│       └── users.go
├── testdata/
│   ├── postgres/
│   │   ├── enable-vector.sql
│   │   └── users.yml
│   ├── invalid_api_standard.json
│   ├── invalid_embeddings.json
│   ├── ...
│   ├── valid_api_standard_cohere_v2.json
│   ├── valid_api_standard_ollama.json
│   ├── valid_api_standard_openai_v1.json
│   ├── valid_embeddings.json
│   ├── valid_llm_service_cohere-multilingual-3.json
│   ├── valid_llm_service_openai-large-full.json
│   ├── ...
│   └── valid_user.json
└── web/                      // Web resources for the html response (in the future)


Run tests

Actual (mostly integration) tests are run like this:

$> systemctl --user start podman.socket
$> export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock
$> go test -v ./...

These tests do not contact any separately installed/launched backend, and instead have a container managed by the testing itself (via testcontainers).

Run with local container

A local container with a pg_vector-enabled postgresql can be run like this:

$> podman run -p 8888:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password pgvector/pgvector:0.7.4-pg16

But be aware that the filesystem is not persisted if you run it like this. That means that when you stop and restart the container, you will have to re-setup the database as described below.

You can connect to it from a second terminal like so:

$> psql -p 8888 -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres

And then set up the database like this:

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_vectors;
postgres=# CREATE USER my_user WITH PASSWORD 'my-password';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "my_vectors" to my_user;
postgres=# \c my_vectors
postgres=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO my_user;


  • Tests
    • When testing, check cleanup by adding a new query/function to see if all tables are empty
    • Make sure pagination is supported consistently
    • Make sure input is validated consistently
  • Catch POST to existing resources
  • User authentication & restrictions on some API calls
  • API versioning
  • better options handling (
  • handle metadata
    • Validation with metadata schema
  • Implement and make consequent use of max_idle (5), max_concurr (5), timeouts, and cancellations
  • Concurrency (leaky bucket approach) and Rate limiting (redis, sliding window, implement headers)
  • Use transactions (most importantly, when an action requires several queries, e.g. projects being added and then linked to several read-authorized users)
  • Dockerization
  • Batch mode
  • Link or unlink users/LLMs as standalone operations
  • Transfer of projects from one owner to another as new operation
  • proper logging with --verbose and --quiet modes
  • Caching
  • HTML UI?
  • LLM handling processing (receive text and send it to an llm service on the user's behalf, then store the results)
    • allow API keys for services to be read from env variables (on the server, but still maybe useful)
    • calls to LLM services


MIT License


  • 2024-12-10 v0.0.1: Initial public release (still work in progress) of API v1


Vector Database for the DH at Max Planck Society initiative







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