#Purpose To search the UMN People Directory using a Python API.
The basic usage of the script is as follows:
./search.py McKinney
To search for a person using their full name, enclose it in quotation marks like:
./search.py "Nicholas McKinney"
To search by Internet ID instead of name, use -t
or --search_type
./search.py -t id McKinney
To limit your search to a particular campus, use -c
or --campus
. The following campus codes are allowed:
a Any campus
c Crookston
d Duluth
m Morris
r Rochester
t Twin Cities
o Other
./search.py -c c
To limit your search to people in a particular role, use -r
or --role
. The following role codes are allowed:
any Any role
sta Faculty/Staff
stu Student
alu Alumni
ret Retired Faculty
./search.py -r stu
#Dependencies Beautiful Soup v4 is required for this script to run. You can install it using the following command:
pip install beautifulsoup4
Note: I'm open to any commits that make this project faster, more efficient, easier to use, or more functional.