Swift SFTP Client Framework
The mft is a framework that makes it easy to access SFTP services from Swift as well as Objective-C. It uses modern backend - libssh and OpenSSL - with all the security related features and algorithmes (like aes-gcm or chacha20-poly) and can be embedded in macOS (both x86 and arm64) and iOS/iPadOS apps.
The mft framework has the following capabilities.
- Using the following ciphers: chacha20-poly, aes-gcm, aes-ctr, aes-cbc, 3des-cbc
- Using the following MAC hashing: hmac-sha2-etm, hmac-sha1-etm, hmac-sha2, hmac-sha1
- Using zlib compression
- Support for password authentication
- Support for public-key authentication
- Simple support for interactive authentication (with only a password prompt)
- Support for ed25519, ecdsa, rsa-sha2, ssh-rsa and ssh-dss public key algorithms
- Support for SFTP servers with non-UTF-8 charset
- Browsing directories
- Recognizing directories, files, and symbolic links
- Creating directories
- Creating symbolic links
- Removing directories
- Removing files
- Removing symbolic links
- Downloading files
- Downloading files from the given position (resume download)
- Uploading files
- Uploading files with append to existing (resume upload)
- Reporting progress of downloading/uploading
- Copying items within the same SFTP server
- Moving items within the same SFTP server
- Renaming items
- Setting modification and access timestamps for items
- Setting POSIX permissions for items
- Retrieving file system stats (total size and utilization)
- macOS x86_64,
- macOS arm64,
- iOS arm64,
- iOS Simulator arm64,
- iOS Simulator x86_64
- Swift
- Objective-C
The mft framework bundles the compiled versions of the following open source libraries:
- libssh 0.11.0
- openssl 3.3.1
The mft should be built into an xcframework, that can easily be embedded in Xcode projects. To do that:
- Make sure you have Xcode installed and your Apple Developer account configured in Xcode preferences
- Clone the mft source code from git
git clone https://github.com/mplpl/mft
Open the mft project in Xcode, go to settings of the "mft" target, and verify that there are no errors on "Signing & Capabilities". If they are, check the configuration of your developer account. Repeat the check for the "mft ios" target
Close Xcode and open Terminal, go to mft folder, and call:
This starts a build process. The result will be located in a new folder created at the same level as mft folder, with the name "mft CURRENT_DATE_AND_TIME" (for example mft 2022-09-21 11-50-57). In that folder, you can find mft.xcframework folder, that is the outcome of the build.
Create a new Xcode project, for example, macOS command line tool in Swift (it can also be Objective-C or iOS/iPadOS)
In your new project go to its target configuration, and on the "General" tab click the "+" icon under "Framework and Libraries". Then select "Add Other...", "Add File..." and then select mft.xcframework folder created during a build
Now you can write your code. Use "import mft" to enable the framework access in your source file. Here you have a simple example of how mft can be used in Swift
import Foundation
import mft
do {
var sftp: MFTSftpConnection!
sftp = MFTSftpConnection(hostname: "",
port: 22,
username: "your_user_name",
password: "your_secret_password)
// Connect and authenticate
try sftp.connect()
try sftp.authenticate()
// List remote directory items
let items = try sftp.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "/tmp", maxItems: 0)
for item in items {
NSLog("%@", item.filename)
// Upload a file
let localFileToUpload = "/bin/cat"
let uploadRemotePath = "upload_test"
let inStream = InputStream(fileAtPath: localFileToUpload)
let srcAttrs = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: localFileToUpload) as NSDictionary
try sftp.write(stream: inStream!, toFileAtPath: uploadRemotePath, append: false) { uploaded in
NSLog("Upload progress: %d / %d", uploaded, srcAttrs.fileSize())
return true
// Download a file
let remoteFileToDownload = "upload_test"
let localDownloadTarget = "/tmp/download_test"
let outStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: localDownloadTarget, append: false)
try sftp.contents(atPath: remoteFileToDownload, toStream: outStream!, fromPosition: 0) {
downloaded, total in
NSLog("Download progress: %d / %d", downloaded, total)
return true
// Remove remote file
try sftp.removeFile(atPath: uploadRemotePath);
// Disconnect
} catch {