This repository contains code examples for analysing the Anomaly Detection Data Challenge datasets.
In this repository you will find code examples for the following:
- How to load background dataset
- Examples of define model architectures for anomaly detection
- How to train the model
- Compute the model predictions on background data
- Compute the model predictions on signal (anomalies)
- Evaluate model's performance using 2 different techniques
- Evaluate the number of floating point operations of the model
This information can be found in scripts:
- Convolutional_AE.ipynb: Load the data, define a convolutional autoencoder and evaluate it's performance
- Dense_AE.ipynb.ipynb: Load the data, define a fully connected dense autoencoder and evaluate it's performance
- graph_vae.ipynb: Define a graph autoencoder or graph variational autoencoder
- computeFLOPs.ipynb: Compute the number of floating point operations for a given model
- Create datasets for training/validation/testing in the HDF5 format.