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Node.js based tool for effective frontend development.

Includes stylus, browserify, es6, jade for now. Future builds will allow you to use your own modules.

All projet directories are configurable and you can disable express app as well in case you need only compilation and watchers (just do not forget to add livereload link manually if you need it).


  1. Install the module globally: npm i -g frontizer

  2. Create a folder for your new project and enter it.

  3. Initialize your new project with frontizer init than run it with frontizer start.

Type frontizer to see help.


Assets folder contains all statics and source files for your project. Compiled assets are placed inside assets/compiled directory by default.

Client JavaScript

All client JavaScript is precompiled by Babel with babel-preset-latest. You can also use .vue files which are processed by vueify.


Views folder contains your templates. Each file here represents it's own route which is the same as a file name. The one exception is index.pug which represents a home page.

View based routing examples:

  • index.js - /
  • foo/bar.pug - /foo/bar
  • foo/home.pug - /foo

Predefined variables

  • __css contains ready to use tags with compiled css links
  • __js same for JavaScript
  • __livereload contains link to a JavaScript file necessary for livereloading

Helper functions

  • range([from], to) - generates an array of numbers from first parameter to second; first parameter can be omitted so it will be equal to 1 by default. Examples:
    • range(3, 5) -> [3, 4, 5]
    • range(5) -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • static('file-name') - prepends static assets root to the file name
    • static('example.jpg') -> '/assets/static/example.jpg'
  • linkTo('view-name') - returns a proper link to the view (there are different for static build and application)
    • linkTo('index') -> '/', static builds: 'index.html'
    • linkTo('my/page') -> '/my/page', static builds: ''


You can provide any data to your views by creating data files. They will be fetched in the same way as views. exports object fields will be variables in views.

Data shared with corresponding view also includes data from upper levels index files. For example, route /foo/bar will uses foo/bar view and tries to fetch and merge files:

  1. index.js
  2. foo.js
  3. foo/bar.js

Obviously, index.js file will be fetched on every route so you can use it to provide global data and defaults.

Any duplicated data field names will be overwritten by lower level data.


To create an API function or static JSON you can create an api folder in your project root. Any js file in this folder will be mapped to route /api/{filename without extension}.

If module.exports is a function than it will be called with request and response objects as arguments correspondingly.

If module.exports is an object or array than it will be processed as a JSON response.

NPM modules