smartMoney automate SMS parsing and transaction creation for FireFly-III with suite of scripts designed to enhance your experience with FireFly-III. Developed to streamline transaction creation in FireFly-III, this project aims to simplify financial management processes.
Utilize SMSReceiver-iOS to seamlessly forward your bank SMS messages to smartMoney. Features include:
- SMS parsing using regular expressions
- SMS parsing using ChatGPT (Optional)
- Transaction categorization using ChatGPT or from similar transactions stored in FireFly-III (Optional)
- Create transaction in FireFly
Identify withdrawals exceeding the average amount from expense accounts or categories.
Detect subscriptions on various intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and automatically create bills in FireFly-III, facilitating the linking of bills to future transactions.
Alerts for increases in subscription amounts.
Access a straightforward web application to view specific budgets and track withdrawals and deposits. Ideal for sharing accounts with others or monitoring home expenses without sharing FireFly-III admin credentials.
Receive push notifications on your mobile device via Web Push notification or email about transactions, bills, and budget.
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