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"10:15am. I am just chilling. Let me do that for a bit more and then …
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…I will start the art journey. I'll want to figure out how to make my own materials and tile them.

10:50am. Enough wasting time, let me start.

I need to close the thread from yesterday. Since I have pirated CSP, I can't really download assets from its online platform. Instead let me make material by myself and then I will tile it like in one of those vidoes. That is what I need for that tire track anyway. Let me just do that thing.

11am. I figured it out. In order to get what I want, all I have to do is convert a layer to an image material layer. Then I have to turn on tiling in the object properties. How simple. I did not even have to look it up. And yet yesterday it took me quite a few hours yesterday.

Ok, now I can make progress with that tire mark.

Ah crap. The mesh transform does not work on image material layers.

...Let me try it again.

11:40am. It is easy to create tiling effect, by just copy pasting. I do not have to do every mark at once, instead I can merge them together as I go along and get double the quantity. After that I can use the mesh transform to good effect. What a pain in the ass. At any rate, I am done with the tire. Yes, this is the workflow.

One thing I haven't figure out is how to invert the colors of a layer. I just used masks to get that effect instead. I selected the original mark, erased it, inverted the mask and filled that with black instead. I also used intersect select in order to make the black not fill the entire tire.

I am done. Let me move on to the next lesson.
> They're called File Objects, they're in the layer palette cornet menu, latest version only

I'll have to check this out.
How to: File Objects

Oh these things support tiling as well.

12:15pm. The capability of this is quite remarkable. I wonder why mesh transform does not work for any of these though. It is a pity.
Lineless Art Hints | Clip Studio TIPS of the Month

Let me watch this since it caught my eye on the sidebar. I am thinking whather I should do the missile launcher. I probably should.

I could have used this brush instead of the market for the tile shading. Also it is interesting how he changed the colors to monochrome. That is something worth keeping in mind.

12:30pm. That was a bit interesting.

Let me sketch the missile launcher for a bit.

1:40pm. Given the rate I am going, it might have been faster to just do this in Blender. I mean, it took me over an hour to position 8 basic objects. I am not even sketching the missile laucher but the thing it is made out of which are triangles and rectangles in 3d.

Since these `Let's Draw` videos are going to be on this theme, I think I'll be taking this approach from here. Rather than sketch, I should 3d model.

Let me stop here for breakfast.

3:15pm. Today's chores took a while.

3:20pm. Let me resume.

Now, how about I do some Blender work. Insteady of sketching things out, I should be doing 3d modeling. I'll admit this makes me wonder how I could do those tire tracks.

3:30pm. I still have it. Despite being away from Blender for over 2 weeks, I still haven't forgetten much. This is definitely a lot faster than sketching. This plan could work.

Ok, now comes the hard part. The angles and the perspective is a bit wonky near the bottom part. It does not really make sense.

3:55pm. So far this was easier than sketching, I finished it a while ago and am just fiddling around. I could do this faster with more practice. Though thanks to all the studying that I did, the modeling workflow feels quite smooth.

Now that I have a good model and am comparing it with the hand drawn sketch, I see that the perspective in the hand drawn image is quite wrong. This actually wasn't at all obvious to me just from looking at the image, but it is absolutely clear when you compare the two.

The way it is drawn in the image, the face of the launcher is not at the right angle. It should be quite a bit narrower.

4:25pm. Now I am just messing with lighting. Forget this. I completely forgot how to do the backgrounds in the shader. Tinkering with lights and materials is something I'd need to get good at.

4:30pm. Let me take a break here. I need to decide whether I want to continue with this model in CSP or whether I want to just move on.

4:50pm. Let me resume. Ok, I've decided. Forget mucking around with lines. Some artists have had years and years of practice doing that and so they can do that well enough. But I do not have time to much around with moving lines on paper and quering my subconcious on every move whether it makes sense.

I'll replace sketching with 3d modeling. That is the way things should go.

Let me watch this. For the next project I should aim to model it in Blender and then paint it in CSP.

5pm. I feel like speeding things up. Let me make my way through these videos. I am not going to spend a day on each of these vids. Instead at this point I should start thinking about taking on a real project. What I want to do is Luna's char model and images. I should do Euclid after that. I should be doing him first, but I do not want to draw guys.

5pm. Let me not rush. Let me just go through this series. It definitely serves a role of increasing my familiarity with the tools at least. I'll be done with it before long and I'll get back to Blender and get back to familiarizing myself with human body shape.

Using hard brushes and a soft eraser might be better than how I've been doing it so far which is bluring.

5:10pm. I should get familiar with doing 2d in Blender. I'll do that as I go along.

A few days ago, I felt sick from constantly watching videos, but now I only want to watch them. Let me do it for a while.

Hmmm, this might be interesting to try. I woulnd't need Blender for this. It really looks quite realistic.

Oh, I should keep using the warp tool like this in mind.


Lunch time, let me leave this for later.

6:30pm. Let me resume. I'll watch a few more vids and then it is gaming time.

Since he is hammering the grayscale approach, maybe I should take it as well and introduce gradient maps as the next step.


I was looking up how to blend a couple of days ago. I finally at this point again. Let me stop here for today. I am going to go through the current section tomorrow. I'll speed up the rate at which I am going through these videos. I think I'll look up Priestley's course some more, and the Drawing Database ones. Otherwise, I am going back to those immitation models of Flycat's. Everything else is not a big deal, but I should master making meshes of human bodies. When I have that understanding I'll be able to draw them even without the help of Blender and that will help immensely. After that I'll spend some time doing sculpting and drawing. When my drawing look good enough for my taste, I am going to be moving into musical composition.

When I have all of that down, I'll be ready to begin work on Heaven's Key.

The fun stuff will start soon enough once I am done with these videos. I'll be spending my time just doing art starting with sculpting. No more listening to other people for hours on end."
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