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"9:15am. Last night there were thunderbolts shooting all throughout.
9:20am. I had some time to think about what I want to do next. I know I said control flow analysis for editor support, but I do not feel like doing that after all. That sort of thing is very auxiliary and I should just leave it for later. Nobody is going to skip over on Spiral because I do not have that. What I need to do is this in the following order: prepass, partial eval, codegen, typechecking (without constraints). Once I have that, I have something quite usable as a language even if it would be incomplete. 9:25am. I've decided, once I've done the above I am going to start negotiation to procure those chips. I want to do something real while I work on the language on the side much like in 2018. 9:45am. There some internet troubles recently, so I've been delayed by that. 9:50am. I do not feel like starting right away. I still want to dwell on it a little. Yesterday I did that as well, but did follow through in the end and completed the sematic highlighting for the language. That was great. Right now, what I need to do is just find the courage and the will to start work on the prepass. I need to break the ice there. Compiling mutually recursive blocks will take some consideration and effort. But once I am done, I should be in the clear to deal with the partial evaluator. 10am. Agh, prepass. Agh, partial evaluator. I went through this so many times before, I can't believe I am going to go through it again. But I have to. 10:05am. Ok, before I start let me do some things to simplify the parser. I am going to get rid of the PatOperator. If I think about it, there is no reason why (+) should not be a valid name anywhere. And apart from that, there is something I want to do. 10:10am. Ok, I got rid of that `PatOperator` error. The next thing is the way I do functions. ```fs | RawInl of (Pattern * RawExpr) list | RawForall of VarString * RawKindExpr * RawExpr ``` I've been thinking yesterday and came to the conclussion that this should be like... 10:15am. ```fs and RawExpr = | RawB | RawV of VarString | RawLit of Literal | RawDefaultLit of string | RawSymbolCreate of SymbolString | RawType of RawTExpr | RawInline of RawExpr // Acts as a join point for the prepass specifically. | RawLet of Pattern * body: RawExpr * on_succ: RawExpr | RawMatch of body: RawExpr * (Pattern * RawExpr) list | RawFun of (VarString * RawKindExpr) list * Pattern list * (Pattern * RawExpr) list | RawRecBlock of (VarString * RawExpr) list * on_succ: RawExpr // The bodies of a block must be RawFun | RawRecordWith of RawExpr list * RawRecordWith list * RawRecordWithout list | RawOp of Op * RawExpr [] | RawJoinPoint of RawExpr | RawAnnot of RawExpr * RawTExpr | RawTypecase of RawTExpr * (RawTExpr * RawExpr) list | RawModuleOpen of VarString * SymbolString list * on_succ: RawExpr ``` Actualyl I am still not sure. I reallized while I was writing this just now that I do not want both RawFun and RawFunction, but now I have this mess here. Maybe I should decompose RawFunction into plan RawFun and RawMatch. 10:20am. ```fs and RawExpr = | RawB | RawV of VarString | RawLit of Literal | RawDefaultLit of string | RawSymbolCreate of SymbolString | RawType of RawTExpr | RawInline of RawExpr // Acts as a join point for the prepass specifically. | RawMatch of body: RawExpr * (Pattern * RawExpr) list | RawFun of (VarString * RawKindExpr) list * Pattern list * RawExpr | RawRecBlock of (VarString * RawExpr) list * on_succ: RawExpr // The bodies of a block must be RawFun | RawRecordWith of RawExpr list * RawRecordWith list * RawRecordWithout list | RawOp of Op * RawExpr [] | RawJoinPoint of RawExpr | RawAnnot of RawExpr * RawTExpr | RawTypecase of RawTExpr * (RawTExpr * RawExpr) list | RawModuleOpen of VarString * SymbolString list * on_succ: RawExpr ``` Let me do it like this. This is enough in terms of primitives. The reason what I want to fuse RawInl and RawFun into one is because during typechecking I want one place where the typechecker will put in new foralls and constraints. The most sensible thing is to select `RawFun` as nodes for that. I can easily separate them into individual foralls and inls in a later stage after that. Also, for patterns, I want to do some extra validation. 10:25am. Ok, let me get this out of the way. 10:30am. No, I am not sure I feel like it. ``` | RawFun of (VarString * RawKindExpr) list * Pattern list * RawExpr ``` If I have this, then the first two of these might turn out to be empty which will end up similar to `RawInline`. I can't deal with this. In the typechecker, I think I'll just fuse the `RawForalls` and `RawInl` into a single node on my own. Ok, then, validation. ```fs loop pat |> ignore errors.ToArray() ``` For this to work, I need to return the errors and pat as they are. ```fs let pattern_validate (errors : PatternCompilationErrors -> unit) pat = let rec loop pat = match pat with | PatDefaultValue _ | PatValue _ | PatSymbol _ | PatE | PatB -> Set.empty | PatVar x -> Set.singleton x | PatDyn p | PatAnnot (p,_) | PatNominal(_,p) | PatActive (_,p) | PatUnbox p | PatWhen(p, _) -> loop p | PatRecordMembers items -> let symbols = Collections.Generic.HashSet() let injects = Collections.Generic.HashSet() let x = (fun item -> match item with | PatRecordMembersSymbol(keyword,name) -> if symbols.Add(keyword) = false then errors (DuplicateRecordSymbol keyword); Set.empty else loop name | PatRecordMembersInjectVar(var,name) -> if injects.Add(var) = false then errors (DuplicateRecordInjection var); Set.empty else loop name ) items match x with _ :: _ :: _ -> Set.intersectMany x |> Set.iter (DuplicateVar >> errors) | _ -> () Set.unionMany x | PatPair(a,b) | PatAnd(a,b) -> let a, b = loop a, loop b Set.intersect a b |> Set.iter (DuplicateVar >> errors) a + b | PatOr(a,b) -> let a, b = loop a, loop b in if a = b then a else errors DisjointOrPattern; a loop pat ``` Let me just pass in a function into this. ```fs let patterns_validate pats = let errors = ResizeArray() match (fun (r,x) -> r, pattern_validate (fun x -> errors.Add(r,x)) x) pats with | (_,x) :: y -> List.fold (fun x (r,y) -> Set.intersect x y |> Set.iter (fun x -> errors.Add(r,DuplicateVar x)); y) x y |> ignore | _ -> () errors.ToArray() ``` Here, now patterns should be validated across. 10:50am. ```fs let patterns_validate pats = let errors' = ResizeArray() let l = (fun (r,x) -> let errors = ResizeArray() let ret = r, pattern_validate errors.Add x errors'.Add(r,InvalidPattern(errors.ToArray())) ret ) pats match l with | (_,x) :: y -> List.fold (fun x (r,y) -> Set.intersect x y |> Set.iter (fun x -> errors'.Add(r,ShadowedVar x)) y ) x y |> ignore | _ -> () ``` No, I got it wrong, but now I am drowning in this. Let me do it from the top again. ```fs let patterns_validate pats = let l = (fun (r,x) -> let errors = ResizeArray() in r, pattern_validate errors.Add x, errors) pats match l with | (_,x,_) :: y -> y |> List.fold (fun x (_,y,errors) -> Set.intersect x y |> Set.iter (fun x -> errors.Add(ShadowedVar x)); y) x |> ignore | _ -> () l |> (fun (r,_,errors) -> r, InvalidPattern(errors.ToArray())) ``` Ok, this is much better. ```fs | _, (_, PatVar _), _, _ -> match patterns_validate (if is_rec then name :: pats else pats) with ``` I'll add the name to this. Now if I write something like... ``` inl rec f f = ... ``` I should get an error that the variable is shadowed. Though Spiral allows shadowing, in this case it should definitely be an error. Let me try it out. ```fs Server bound to: tcp://*:13805 Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter 'index') at System.Char.IsUpper(String s, Int32 index) at Spiral.Tokenize.process_error@284.Invoke(String x) in C:\Users\Marko\Source\Repos\The Spiral Language\The Spiral Language v0.2 (typechecking)\Tokenize.fs:line 284 ``` Am getting this exception now. 11:05am. This is strange. Why am I getting an error here? ```fs Server bound to: tcp://*:13805 [|[]; []; []; []|] ``` These are the ers here. They are all just empty... I have no idea. Let me commit here and I'll revert to a previous commit for a bit. I need to figure out what change was responsible for this."
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