Starify is a wrapper around
Raty is a jQuery extension that lets you turn elements into star ratings.
Starify takes it one step further and lets you specify a secondary element where the rating value will be displayed as you hover over each star. I built this because I wanted to see the value of the star as I hovered over it, for example when I hover over 3/5 stars, I wanted to word “Good” to appear next to the star rating.
To use starify just pass a config into the new function.
Starify supports all the config options of Raty, plus:
el // the jQuery element you are turning into stars tipEl // the jQuery element where the tip is placed
Here is an example config:
var config = { el : $('#stars'), tipEl : $('#tips'), hintList: ['Bad', 'Poor', 'Neutral', 'Good', 'Great'], size: 24, starHalf: 'star-half-big.png', starOff: 'star-off-big.png', starOn: 'star-on-big.png', scoreName : 'score', width: 160, click : function(v) { alert('Hi, my value is ' + v); } } $.starify(config);
Here is a barebones config, remember that this still uses all of Raty’s defaults if you don’t specify otherwise:
var config = { el : $('#stars'), tipEl : $('#tips') } $.starify(config);
This will convert ‘#stars` into a star rating, and as you hover over each star, it will display the value in `#tips`.