Provide a ruby class to interface with the Circonus API
Note: You need to define an API token first
Also provides a ruby class to interface with the Data API used by Javascript in their UI.
Note: For the Data API you should use a readonly username and password
- # API documentation is here
- # API Tokens can be created here:
- # Beacons:
- # Broker user manual:
- # RPMs for broker:
Generally speaking, Circonus tables are layed out like this:
checks -> check_bundles -> graphs -> worksheets -> dashboards
rules -> rulesets
contacts -> contact_groups
The data is returned JSON encoded. Composites are not totaled, but are represented. You can use them to figure out what needs to be totaled.
# Install dependencies sudo gem install ripl rest-client # Need to generate a token here: # # You need to have thse in a ~/.circonus.rb file to use the CLI app @agent="mybroker" @apitoken="blahblahblah" @appname="curl" # From the applications field # The API requires these settings as well passed to it on init # To use the Circonus::Values to query data, you will also need a read only username/password from the UI
Most functions are available using any of:
- list_(name)({OPTIONAL_HASH_OF_MATCHING_KEY_AND_VALUES}) # hash is used for filtering
- get_(name)(id)
- add_(name)(data)
- update_(name)(id,data)
- delete_(name)(id)
- search_(name)(regex_string,field_name) # this is done using list for now (avoid if possible)...
The list of names (for default v2 API) are:
- account
- annotation
- broker
- check_bundle
- contact_group
- graph
- rule_set
- template
- user
- worksheet
- alert (only valid for get and list)
- data (only valid for get)
require 'circonus' @agent="myinternalbroker" @apitoken="blahblahblah" @appname="curl" hosts = ARGV c =,@appname,@agent) agents = c.list_broker #pp agents
graphs = list_graph()
# Use the graph id from a specific graph to get info on it get_graph('/graph/aeda0a3a-aaea-e7a4-b5ad-9a7ab11bc44b')
Everything in the API should be available in the CLI directly
>> get_graph('f35228a3-cf46-e034-dcf8-f7470a5aaaaf')['title'] => "Site Graph test"
# get list of methods available >> help
# Find US based brokers: >> search_broker('US$','_name').map { |b| b['_name'] } => ["San Jose, CA, US", "Ashburn, VA, US"]
# Find users with firstname Joe: >> list_user({'firstname'=>'Joe'}) => [{"_cid"=>"/user/1195", "email"=>"", "firstname"=>"Joe", "lastname"=>"Smith"}]
# Get data from a time range # - check bundle ID # - metric name # - (options: start, end (Time) period (int seconds) type (numeric, text, etc..) >> get_data('53061','tt_firstbyte',{'start'=>( - 300).to_i}) url= => {"_cid"=>"/data/59030_tt_firstbyte", "data"=>[[1376055900, {"count"=>5, "counter"=>0.911668002605438, "counter_stddev"=>1.54755294322968, "derivative"=>0.726139008998871, "derivative_stddev"=>1.4332150220871, "stddev"=>86.7077865600586, "value"=>208.4}]]}
# Get graph, fetch data, and evaluate all datapoint and composite formulas >> gd = get_graph_data('aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa',( - 86400).to_i)
NOTE: DO NOT use this if you need the raw data. This is for getting to what the UI sees, not the raw data
Graph IDs and check IDs match up with what comes out of the Circonus API
# Initialize our class instance and session id require 'rubygems' require 'circonus/values' user = 'username' # This should be a readonly user..... pass = 'password' acct = 'tbs' # This is the lowercased account name as seen when you login @d =,pass,acct) @d.login()
# You can query the data and some of the graph metadata from the Data API using the graph ID >> @d.graph_data('a04ed4da-8888-6ac3-d39b-dddf2eb54c91')['title'] => "My Test Graph"
# Get the sum of all numeric datapoints in this graph: >> @d.total_last_graph_data('aaaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa') => 5356