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rcache is an active cache. It adds a layer between the application and the jQuery ajax interface, enabling you to reuse stored resources without consulting the server.
rcache is observable. The application can register callbacks that will fire when a resources is beeing updated or removed.
rcache supports RESTful applications. It handles the standard HTTP methods GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.
rcache has been tested with jQuery 1.7.1 using QUnit unit test in /test
Firefox 10, Chrome 16
Copyright (c) 2012 Hannes Forsgård Licensed under the WTFPL (
rcache transparently supports conditional requests. If the server sends ETag or Last-Modified headers these are automatically returned as If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match headers for PUT and DELETE requests and as If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers for GET requests.
rcache is not a general purpose caching proxy. As such it does not honor no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate or vary headers. This kind of caching should not be implemented in clients, but rather through a forward proxy.
Some short usage examples. Checkout package and open the documentation for better coverage.
var jqXHR = $.rcache.item('/url/to/item').get();
//Do something when data is ready
//even if data is read from cache
//Update an item using PUT
//Create a new item using POST
var jqXHR = $.rcache.item('/creator/resource').post({data});
//A new item will be created in cache if response includes
//a Content-Location or Location header.
//Delete an item using DELETE
$.rcache.item('/url/to/item').onWrite(function(data, etag, modified, jqXHR){
//Fired when cache item is updated (by a get, put, post or write action)
//Params: reponse data, etag and last-modified headers, jqXHR object
$.rcache.item('/url/to/item').onRemove(function(data, etag, modified, jqXHR){
//Fired when cache item is removed (by a del or remove action)
//Params: reponse data, etag and last-modified headers, jqXHR object
//Send a conditional get request
//if the server responds with fresh data a write event is fired
//Send an unconditional get request, write event will always be fired
//Call .update() on all items with autoUpdate = true