Releases: mrfixit2001/recalbox_rockpro64
Updated Release of RECALBOX For the RockPro64 RK3399
- Kernel Updated to 4.4.180
- Additional Kernel Fixes
- U-Boot patched to fix weird issue where only some EMMC modules will not boot
Special thanks to y0sh for being the only volunteer to help test solutions to the emmc issue, as I was unable to reproduce it myself
Updated Release of RECALBOX For the RockPro64 RK3399
Additional PCIe related backports from later kernels and device tree fix for io domain voltage.
PCIe now suspends and resumes
Updated Release of RECALBOX For the RockPro64 RK3399
- Fixes for some UDEV bugs that were causing some controllers not to work in libretro cores when plugged into a USB hub
Updated Release of RECALBOX For the RockPro64 RK3399
- Suspend and Resume support is now included - fully operational on Roshambo Case out of the box! (
- AUFS drivers embedded into kernel
- CDN-DP firmware loading fixed
- LOTS of mainline back-ports and custom fixes
- Additional drivers included in kernel, including (but not limited to):
- LOTS of networking stuff, such as VLAN and IPv6
- Requirements for DOCKER containers
- Additional Intel PCIe drivers
- RAID support
- Newer versions of some emulators (such as PSP)
- Additional PCIe driver fixes - Gen2 training now works
- Improved Networking Performance
- IR-Receiver support added to device tree
Release of RECALBOX For the RockPro64 RK3399
- Kernel updated to 4.4.171
- Additional mainline back-ports and custom fixes
- Additional drivers included in kernel
- PCIe now works with Wifi and Bluetooth all at the same time
- UART debug output enabled
- Custom "Rockpro Fan" toggle in menu under system settings
- Retroarch Updated to 1.7.6
- Newer versions of some emulators
- Pre-set optimized config for Mupen64
- Resolution for Mupen64, Reicast, and Retroarch can now be changed from recalbox.conf file
- Custom fix for widescreen's auto-stretching the picture (read the readme)
- On-Screen-Keyboard issue Resolved
- Custom patches to ES and Emulators to improve overall stability
- Additional fixes for XBox One and 8BitDo controllers
BETA Release of RECALBOX for the RK3399
Please do keep in mind that this is a BETA release, which means you should still EXPECT some things not to work quite right. We have done a LOT of testing on our own to try and resolve as many issues as we can before this release, but now you get to help! (Lucky you!) So if/when you do find things that don't work right, please use the link in github to report the issue.
Improvements Since the Alpha Release:
Kernel Updates:
- Updated to version 4.4.169
- Various custom kernel fixes, mainline backports, stability and other enhancements
- 4K Playback @ 60fps is now smooth and Audio/Video are synced
Emulator Updates:
- Updated versions of many emulators and cores
- Buggy button re-mapping issue is resolved
- PPSSPP now performs at 100% speed for most games
- Customizable "max fps" setting in PPSSPP to fine tune your experience - set to 30fps to play GOW nice and smooth!
- PSP video scenes now play perfectly
- VirtualJaguar is now fixed and playable
- NEOGEO Core Fixed
- Bluetooth Controllers Reconnect After Reboot
Rockpro Specific Updates:
- WIFI and Bluetooth Module working
- RTL8812EU USB Wifi adapter working
- eMMC boot issues resolved
- Headphone / Audio-Out (ES8316) Fixed
- PCIe is enabled and connected storage devices have been confirmed to work correctly
- Improved Gigabit Ethernet performance
- Custom optimized resolutions for Mupen, PSP, and Reicast to hit 100% emulation speeds!
- EmulationStation menu music always playing
ALPHA Release of RECALBOX for the ROCKPRO64
Please do keep in mind that this is an ALPHA release, which means you should EXPECT some things not to work. We have done a fair amount of testing on our own to try and resolve as many issues as we can before this release, but now you get to help! (Lucky you!) So if/when you do find things that don't work right, please use the link in github to report the issue.
When reporting issues:
- Provide logs or screenshots of the issue so that we can see the error(s) you are seeing
- Provide detailed steps for us to follow in order to reproduce the issue