Welcome to the repository of Helm charts for deployments of AppDynamics agents.
$ helm repo add appdynamics-charts https://appdynamics.github.io/appdynamics-charts
AppDynamics Machine Agent offers application-centric server monitoring. It helps to proactively isolate and resolve application performance issues faster with actionable, correlated application-server metrics.
- Install the chart:
$ helm install appdynamics-charts/machine-agent --name=stable \
--set controller.accessKey=5a8a4d47-78a8-40d6-8b07-1a4f90c51789 \
--set controller.host=tenant.saas.appdynamics.com
--set controller.accountName=<accountName>
--set controller.globalAccountName=<globalAccountName>
For detailed list of configuration settings refer to the chart documentation
To remove the chart, run the following command:
$ helm del --purge stable
AppDynamics ClusterAgent provides insights into the health of Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters and helps differentiate application anomalies from issues with cluster configuration and performance.
- Install the chart:
helm install appdynamics-charts/cluster-agent --name=stable /
--set controller.url=<AppDynamics controller URl> /
--set controller.apiUser=<user@account:password> /
For detailed list of configuration settings refer to the chart documentation
To remove the chart, run the following command:
$ helm del --purge stable