Hi 👋, I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer, UX Designer, Startup Accelerator, Programming Coach and Founder
- I ❤️ Vue.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, WordPress, and Flutter
- I prefer to use Types in JS – 🤓 TypeScript
- 👨💻 Working full-time at EdGraph.com as Full-Stack Developer (Vue.js, dotnet, Microservices) since 2016
- 🔭 I’m currently bootstrapping a startup A CRM for Services Providers to manage their customer base
- 👨💻 You can view my Work and Experiences
- 💰 Available for freelance projects & definitely will love to work on these skills Vue, Nuxt.js, Node.js, Nest.js, MongoDB, Express.js, Flutter
- 🤝 I’ve helped dozens of startups to find the best solution for their audience Some of them are EdGraph, Compareaquote.com, ISVMarket, Dobuy.pk, Chamber Motion, etc. Helped a lot of Private and Public Organizations in Pakistan, USA, UK, and few others countries
- 📝 I regularly share my coding tips on twitter https://twitter.com/mrhammadasif
- ⚡ Fun fact Enthusiastic Nerd; Love to talk about tech stuff for hours
- 💬 Discuss anything about Technology and Science Fiction
- 📫 How to reach me
- 🌱 Next things to learn on my list are Blockchain, Web3, Elasticsearch and AWS
- I've done some of the most challenging projects using WordPress
most comfortable to work with or have a lot of experience in the following skills