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Laravel 12 React starter kit. Basic User CRUD with roles and permissions.

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Laravel 12 starter template

🆘 WARNING Repo is still work in progress. Check the to-do list for current status. ‼️

To Do

  • generate basic React CRUD pages
  • to do CRUD with spatie media upload
  • role CRUD
  • user CRUD with role
  • example for Authorization based on role and permission
  • prefix sub-directory (eg: admin, frontend) with generate commands
  • one command to generate both backend and frontend files
  • impersonate as a user
  • example REST api endpoint and usage in React code

⚠️ ATTENTION This is a starter template. Clone or fork this repo. Develop and commit in a new repo. Do not commit to this repo. ‼️


  • php 8.2 or 8.3
  • composer 2.8.1
  • node 22.14.0
  • pnpm install guide
  • mysql
  • apache/nginx


  1. clone or fork
  2. create database
  3. change to project directory
  4. copy .env.example to .env
  5. update .env with correct settings
  6. run composer install
  7. run php artisan key:generate
  8. run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
  9. run pnpm install
  10. run pnpm dev for local development or pnpm build for deployment


Laravel Packages

Node Packages


Project Structure

├── app
│   ├── Console
│   │   └── Commands
│   │       └── ShadcnCrud.php (Custom command to generate React CRUD pages)
│   ├── Enums
│   ├── Exports
│   ├── Http
│   │   ├── Controllers
│   │   │   ├── Auth
│   │   │   ├── Settings
│   │   │   └── PlaygroundController.php
│   │   └── Requests
│   ├── Models
│   ├── Policies
│   └── Providers
├── bootstrap
├── config
├── database
│   ├── factories
│   ├── migrations
│   └── seeders
├── public
├── resources
│   ├── boilerplates (Templates for custom file generate)
│   ├── css
│   ├── js
│   │   ├── components
│   │   │   └── ui (Shadcn components)
│   │   ├── hooks
│   │   ├── layouts
│   │   ├── lib
│   │   ├── pages
│   │   │   ├── auth
│   │   │   ├── settings
│   │   │   ├── dashboard.tsx
│   │   │   └── welcome.tsx
│   │   ├── types
│   │   └── app.tsx
│   └── views
├── routes
│   └── web.php
└── storage

Default users

Name Login Email Password Role Permissions
Super Admin password god *
Manager User password manager create,read,update,delete
User password

File Upload

Basic Workflow

💡 Advice Copy and paste existing file/directory. Find and replace. Voila.

Backend - For new entity (eg: Comment)

  1. Generate migration, seeder, model, controller, request files using blueprint for your entity (refer to draft.yaml.example and create your own draft.yaml)
  2. Delete blueprint generated view direcotry under resources/views
  3. Update blueprint generated controller file to return Inertia::render instead of blade view
  4. Update routes/web.php
  5. Make changes to other blueprint generated files if necessary
  6. Run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

Frontend - For new entity (eg: Comment)

  1. Generate react crud files using php artisan make:shadcn-crud comment (custom artisan command which uses Laravel File Generator package)
  2. Make necessary changes to generated react crud files
  3. Update resources/js/components/app-sidebar.tsx with new route

If you already have migration file (eg: Role)

  1. Create factory and seeder (optional)
  2. If model not exist, create and extends BaseModel
  3. If controller not exist, create a resource controller
  4. If request not exist, create a form request
  5. Update web.php with new route(s)
  6. Generate react crud files using php artisan make:shadcn-crud role
  7. Make necessary changes to generated react crud files
  8. Run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
  9. Update resources/js/components/app-sidebar.tsx with new route


  • Refer to Spatie - Laravel Permission
  • check database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php DatabaseSeeder class for how to create role, permission and assign to user
  • app/Models/User.php User model has is_super_admin, main_role, can_do custom attributes
  • for frontend authorization, check resources/js/components/buttons/create-btn.tsx, Create button is hidden for user without create permission
  • for backend authorization, check app/Policies/TodoPolicy.php TodoPolicy class update method and app/Http/Controllers/TodoController.php TodoController class edit and update methods
  • secret route in routes/web.php is available only to super admin user

Generate CRUD API for an entity

Custom action API

  • Check app\Http\Controllers\Api\TodoStatusController.php Api/TodoStatusController
  • Must follow Orion Response object structure to have a consistant API responses

Fetch data using API at Frontend

  • Check resources\js\components\inputs\country-select.tsx CountrySelect component and /playground page

Submit data using API at Frontend

  • Check resources\js\components\todo\todo-status-dropdown.tsx TodoStatusDropdown component and /todos page


Laravel 12 React starter kit. Basic User CRUD with roles and permissions.






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