The purpose of the repository is to show the integration between Red Hat Developer Hub (aka Backstage) and other Red Hat products as Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines and Red Hat OpenShift GitOps.
Structure of the repository:
- CI/CD configurations
- Backstage configurations
- Golden path software templates
- Golden path documentation templates
The local environment is based on OpenShift Local (aka CodeReady Containers) configured as follows:
crc config view
- consent-telemetry : no
- cpus : 6
- disk-size : 150
- memory : 20000
- pull-secret-file : $HOME/Workspace/CRC/pull-secret.json
Run local env:
crc setup
crc start
Installing the following operators using the OpenShift CLI:
- Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (aka Tekton)
- Red Hat OpenShift GitOps (aka ArgoCD)
oc create ns openshift-gitops-operator
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/sub.yaml
Create namespace:
oc create ns rhdh-demo
Create Secret
to store image registry credentials:
oc create secret generic pipeline-quay-secret -n rhdh-demo \
--from-literal=username=<your_quay_username> \
--from-literal=password=<your_quay_token> \
oc annotate secret/pipeline-quay-secret -n rhdh-demo \
Create ServiceAccount
and ClusterRoleBinding
in order to grant permissions on ServiceAccount:
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/sa.yaml -n rhdh-demo
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/cluster-role-binding.yaml
Create PersistentVolumeClaim
for persistent volume:
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/pvc.yaml -n rhdh-demo
Create a simple ArgoCD
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/argocd.yaml
# expose insecure route, because the backstage argocd plugin doesn't support self-signed certificates
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/route.yaml
Create a simple Tekton Pipeline
oc apply -f manifest/cicd/pipeline.yaml -n rhdh-demo
Create ConfigMap
for adding custom application configurations:
oc apply -f manifest/backstage/cm.yaml -n rhdh-demo
Create Secret
for env variables:
ARGOCD_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' | base64 -d)
oc create secret generic rhdh-secret -n rhdh-demo \
--from-literal=GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID=<your_github_client_id> \
--from-literal=GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_github_secret> \
--from-literal=GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_github_token> \
--from-literal=K8S_CLUSTER_NAME=crc \
--from-literal=K8S_CLUSTER_URL="https://api.crc.testing:6443" \
--from-literal=ARGOCD_USERNAME=admin \
Create ServiceAccount
, ClusterRole
and ClusterRoleBinding
in order to grant permissions on ServiceAccount:
oc apply -f manifest/backstage/sa.yaml -n rhdh-demo
oc apply -f manifest/backstage/cluster-role.yaml -n rhdh-demo
oc apply -f manifest/backstage/cluster-role-binding.yaml
Create Secret
for k8s access token:
oc apply -f manifest/backstage/secret.yaml -n rhdh-demo
Add the chart repository using the following command:
helm repo add openshift-helm-charts
Install the chart:
helm upgrade -i rhdh-demo -n rhdh-demo -f values.yaml openshift-helm-charts/redhat-developer-hub
Check plugins installation:
oc logs -l -c install-dynamic-plugins
Check backstage service:
oc logs -l -c backstage
Run the pipeline from the tekton cli:
tkn pipeline start quarkus-pipeline -s pipeline-sa-secret -n rhdh-demo \
--param gitUrl=<your_github_account>/quarkus-camel-demo.git \
--param gitRevision=master \
--param contextDir=. \
--param imageGroup=<your_quay_account> \
--param imageName=quarkus-camel-demo \
--param \
--workspace name=shared-workspace,claimName=shared-workspace \
--workspace name=maven-settings,claimName=maven-settings
Login with ArgoCD cli:
ARGOCD_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' | base64 -d)
ARGOCD_URL=$(oc get route openshift-gitops-server -n openshift-gitops -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}')
argocd login --insecure --grpc-web $ARGOCD_URL:80 --username admin --password $ARGOCD_PASSWORD
Add new repository:
argocd repo add<your_github_account>/quarkus-camel-demo.git \
--username <your_github_username> \
--password <your_github_token>
Create new appplication:
argocd app create quarkus-camel-demo \
--repo<your_github_account>/quarkus-camel-demo.git \
--path manifest \
--revision master \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace rhdh-demo
Sync application:
argocd app sync quarkus-camel-demo
helm uninstall -n rhdh-demo rhdh-demo
cd dynamic-plugins/wrappers/roadiehq-backstage-plugin-http-request-dynamic
yarn install && yarn tsc
yarn export-dynamic --dev --dynamic-plugins-root $LOCAL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR
cd dynamic-plugins/wrappers/roadiehq-backstage-plugin-http-request-dynamic
yarn install && yarn tsc && yarn export-dynamic
INTEGRITY_HASH=$(npm pack ./dist-dynamic --pack-destination $DYNAMIC_PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR --json | jq -r '.[0].integrity') \
&& echo "Plugin integrity Hash: $INTEGRITY_HASH"
Build simple plugin registry:
oc project rhdh-demo
oc new-build httpd --name=plugin-registry --binary
oc start-build plugin-registry --from-dir=$DYNAMIC_PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR --wait
oc new-app --image-stream=plugin-registry
For any plugin updates:
oc start-build plugin-registry --from-dir=$DYNAMIC_PLUGIN_ROOT_DIR --wait