ensure you have postgres installed
- install docker
createdb ent-starter
(replace with name of your app)- update db credentials in
environment variable - Enable Github Container Registry for your personal account: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/packages/getting-started-with-github-container-registry/enabling-improved-container-support
- get a github personal access token
- ensure the token has
privileges - create/edit ~/.npmrc and add this line:
- full details of what's happening here can be found at https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/packages/using-github-packages-with-your-projects-ecosystem/configuring-npm-for-use-with-github-packages#authenticating-with-a-personal-access-token
- Login to github's docker container registry as follows:
echo "{TOKEN}" | docker login ghcr.io -u USERNAME --password-stdin
- full details of what's happening here: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/packages/managing-container-images-with-github-container-registry/pushing-and-pulling-docker-images#authenticating-to-github-container-registry
- ensure the token has
- run
npm install
- run
npm run codegen
after making any changes to the schema
- Make sure to run
npm run compile
after making any changes to the code and before runningnpm start
Example schema change:
// src/schema/user.ts
// this adds a User object with a firstName and lastName
import { BaseEntSchema, Field, StringType } from "@@snowtop/ent";
export default class User extends BaseEntSchema {
fields: Field[] = [
StringType({ name: "FirstName" }),
StringType({ name: "LastName" }),
Note that when the base image is changed, e.g. when upgrading the ent package tag, you should rebuild the image as follows: docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build
or docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
so as to not be stuck with an old image and not see the changes from the new version.
A list of available images can be seen by running the following command: docker image ls
. If you see an image with repository {container-name}_app
e.g. ent-starter_app
that's from a couple weeks or months ago after upgrading the base image, that's the issue you're running into.