CPU/GPU codes for real-time beamforming and correlations for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) phased-array feed. To be used with the hashpipe thread management system.
Filesystem Layout onr_gpu/src -> Source code for the various threads used in the ONR digital processor onr_gpu/lib -> Source codes for the various libraries used by the ONR threads onr_gpu/lib/hashpipe -> Source code for the hashpipe system onr_gpu/lib/xGPU -> Source code for the GPU-enabled correlator onr_gpu/lib/flagPower -> Source code for the GPU-enabled total power calculator onr_gpu/lib/beamformer -> Source code for the GPU-enabled real-time beamformer onr_gpu/scripts -> Relevant python scripts for connection with Dealer/Player onr_gpu/utils -> Helpful scripts/programs for testing the system and interpreting output data products
Installation Instructions
- Open the "install" script
- Modify the line "prefix=" to point to an installation directory (e.g. /usr/local/bin)
- Save and exit
- Run the install script using "./install"
- Append to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, '/lib'
- Append to your PATH environment variables, '/bin'
Running the Code
$ hashpipe -p <plug_in_name>