You can find my blog post about the newest version here : [ - android-square-progressbar v. 1.4.1] (, also checkout the post about the previous major 1.4.0 version here.
The example application is available at the play store:
Sometimes you don't have enough space in your layout to display a wide progressbar. So this library gives you a complete new possibility to display a progress. You can simply show a progressbar around an image. An this progressbar can be configured in a lot of different ways, like color, outline, display of the percentage and so on.
Here are some examples on how these progressbars could look like:
There are some further examples availible here (with code) : Examples
Check the wiki for more information about how to use, how to install or how to contribute.
If you have questions about the code or if you need some help, you can try the Gitter-Group.
A big thank you to @elodieferrais who made it possible that this library is accessible for gradle builds. See her fork for more information. Also check out her repository about useful dependancies.