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alcove is:

  • a control plane for system processes
  • an interface for system programming
  • a library for building containerized services

alcove is an external port process (a stand-alone Unix process that communicates with the Erlang VM using stdin/stdout). prx is a higher level library that maps the alcove Unix processes to Erlang processes.


  rebar3 compile

  # to run tests (see "Setting Up Privileges")
  rebar3 do clean, compile, ct

  # Linux: statically link using musl
  sudo apt install musl-dev musl-tools

  # clone the kernel headers somewhere
  cd /path/to/dir
  git clone

  # then compile
  MUSL_INCLUDE=/path/to/dir ./musl-wrapper rebar3 do clean, compile

  ## Generate code
  make gen


When alcove is started, it enters an event loop:

{ok, Drv} = alcove_drv:start().

Similar to a shell, alcove waits for a command. For example, alcove can be requested to fork(2):

{ok, Child1} = alcove:fork(Drv, []).

Now there are 2 processes in a parent/child relationship, sitting in their event loops:

  |   `-alcove
  |       `-alcove

Processes are arranged in a pipeline:

  • a pipeline is a list of 0 or more integers representing the process IDs

    By default, pipelines are limited to a length of 16 processes. The pipeline length can be increased using getopt/3 up to the system limits.

  • unlike in a shell, each successive process in the pipeline is forked from the previous process

  • like a shell pipeline, the stdout of a process is connected to the stdin of the next process in the pipeline using a FIFO

The child process is addressed via the pipeline using a list of PIDs:

{ok, Child2} = alcove:fork(Drv, [Child1]),
Child2 = alcove:getpid(Drv, [Child1, Child2]).

An empty pipeline refers to the port process:

{ok, Child3} = alcove:fork(Drv, []).

Finally, we can replace the event loop with a system executable by calling exec(3):

ok = alcove:execvp(Drv, [Child1, Child2], "/bin/cat", ["/bin/cat"]).

The process tree now looks like:

  |   `-alcove
  |       |-alcove
  |       |   `-cat
  |       `-alcove

We can interact with the process via stdin, stdout and stderr:

alcove:stdin(Drv, [Child1, Child2], "hello process\n"),
[<<"hello process\n">>] = alcove:stdout(Drv, [Child1, Child2]).

Setting Up Privileges

  • sudo
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/99_alcove
<user> ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/alcove/priv/alcove
Defaults!/path/to/alcove/priv/alcove !requiretty

When starting alcove, pass in the exec option:

{ok, Drv} = alcove_drv:start([{exec, "sudo -n"}]).
  • setuid
chown root:root priv/alcove
chmod u+s priv/alcove
  • Linux: file capabilities

    See capabilities(7) and setcap(8).

Creating a chroot

The standard Unix way of sandboxing a process is by doing a chroot(2). The chroot process involves:

  • running as root
  • setting process limits
  • changing the root directory to limit the process view of the filesystem
  • changing to an unprivileged user
  • running the sandboxed code

See examples/chrootex.erl.

We'll create a chroot using an interface like:

-spec sandbox(port(), [iodata()]) -> non_neg_integer().
sandbox(Drv, ["/bin/sh", "-i"]).

The function returns the system PID of the child process. This would create an interactive shell we access through standard I/O.

In order to call chroot(2), the port will need root privileges:

{ok, Drv} = alcove_drv:start([{exec, "sudo -n"}]).

Following the steps outlined earlier, we want to set some process limits. In this case, we'll use setrlimit(2):

setlimits(Drv, Child) ->
    % Disable creation of files
    ok = alcove:setrlimit(
        #alcove_rlimit{cur = 0, max = 0}

    ok = alcove:setrlimit(
        #alcove_rlimit{cur = 0, max = 0}

    % Limit to one process
    ok = alcove:setrlimit(
        #alcove_rlimit{cur = 1, max = 1}

Next we chroot and drop root privileges. We will set the user and group to a random, high UID/GID that is unlikely to conflict with an existing system user:

chroot(Drv, Child, Path) ->
    ok = alcove:chroot(Drv, [Child], Path),
    ok = alcove:chdir(Drv, [Child], "/").

drop_privs(Drv, Child, Id) ->
    ok = alcove:setgid(Drv, [Child], Id),
    ok = alcove:setuid(Drv, [Child], Id).

id() ->
    16#f0000000 + crypto:rand_uniform(0, 16#ffff).

Tying it all together:

% The default is to run the cat command. Because of the chroot, we need
% to use a statically linked executable.
sandbox(Drv) ->
    sandbox(Drv, ["/bin/busybox", "cat"]).
sandbox(Drv, Argv) ->
    {Path, Arg0, Args} = argv(Argv),

    {ok, Child} = alcove:fork(Drv, []),

    setlimits(Drv, Child),
    chroot(Drv, Child, Path),
    drop_privs(Drv, Child, id()),

    ok = alcove:execvp(Drv, [Child], Arg0, [Arg0, Args]),


% Set the program path for the chroot
argv([Arg0, Args]) ->
    Path = filename:dirname(Arg0),
    Progname = filename:join(["/", filename:basename(Arg0)]),
    {Path, Progname, Args}.

Compile and run the example:

# If alcove is in ~/src/alcove
export ERL_LIBS=~/src
make eg
rebar shell
1> {ok, Drv} = chrootex:start().

2> Cat = chrootex:sandbox(Drv).

3> alcove:stdin(Drv, [Cat], "test test\n").
4> alcove:stdout(Drv, [Cat]).
[<<"test test\n">>]

We can test the limits of the sandbox by using a shell instead of herding cats:

5> Sh = chrootex:sandbox(Drv, ["/bin/busybox", "sh"]).

% Test the shell is working
6> alcove:stdin(P, [Sh], "echo hello\n").
7> alcove:stdout(P, [Sh]).

% Attempt to create a file
6> alcove:stdin(Drv, [Sh], "> foo\n").
7> alcove:stderr(P, [Sh]).
[<<"sh: can't create foo: Too many open files\n">>]

% Try to fork a new process
8> alcove:stdin(Drv, [Sh], "ls\n").
9> alcove:stderr(P, [Sh]).
[<<"sh: can't fork\n">>]

% If we check the parent for events, we can see the child has exited
10> alcove:event(P, []).

Creating a Container Using Linux Namespaces

Namespaces are the basis for Linux Containers (LXC). Creating a new namespace is as simple as passing in the appropriate flags to clone(2). We'll rewrite the chroot example to run inside a namespace and use another Linux feature, control groups, to limit the system resources available to the process.

See examples/nsex.erl.

  • set process limits using cgroups (see cpuset(7))

    When the port is started, we'll create a new cgroup just for our application and, whenever a sandboxed process is forked, we'll add it to this cgroup.

start() ->
    {ok, Drv} = alcove_drv:start([{exec, "sudo -n"}]),

    % Create a new cgroup for our processes
    ok = alcove_cgroup:create(Drv, [], <<"alcove">>),

    % Set the CPUs these processes are allowed to run on. For example,
    % if there are 4 available CPUs, any process in this cgroup will only
    % be able to run on CPU 0
    {ok, 1} = alcove_cgroup:set(
    {ok, 1} = alcove_cgroup:set(

    % Set the amount of memory available to the process

    % Total memory, including swap. We allow this to fail, because some
    % systems may not have a swap partition/file

    % Total memory
    {ok, 3} = alcove_cgroup:set(


setlimits(Drv, Child) ->
    % Add our process to the "alcove" cgroup
    {ok, _} = alcove_cgroup:set(
  • running the code involves calling clone(2) to create the namespaces, rather than using fork(2)
sandbox(Drv, Argv) ->
    {Path, Arg0, Args} = argv(Argv),

    {ok, Child} = alcove:clone(Drv, [], [
        % IPC
        % network
        % mounts
        % PID, Child is PID 1 in the namespace
        % hostname

    setlimits(Drv, Child),
    chroot(Drv, Child, Path),
    drop_privs(Drv, Child, id()),

    ok = alcove:execvp(Drv, [Child], Arg0, [Arg0, Args]),


Operating System Support

Functions marked as operating system specific raise an undefined function error on unsupported platforms.

Event Loop

These functions can be called while the process is running in the event loop. Using these functions after the process has called exec(3) will probably confuse the process.

Functions accepting a constant() will return {error, enotsup} if an atom is used as the argument and is not found on the platform.

The alcove module functions accept an additional argument which allows setting timeouts. For example:

write(Drv, Pipeline, FD, Buf) -> {ok, Count} | {error, posix()}
write(Drv, Pipeline, FD, Buf, timeout()) -> {ok, Count} | {error, posix()}

By default, timeout is set to infinity. Similar to gen_server:call/3, setting an integer timeout will cause the process to crash if the timeout is reached. If the failure is caught, the caller must deal with any delayed messages that arrive for the Unix process described by the pipeline.

See "Message Format" for a description of the messages.

Message Format

  • synchronous replies to calls from alcove processes running in the event loop. The type of the last element of the tuple depends on the call (e.g., open/4,5 would return either {ok, integer()} or {error, posix()}

      {alcove_call, pid(), [non_neg_integer()], term()}
  • asynchronous events generated by the alcove process (e.g., signals).

      {alcove_event, pid(), [non_neg_integer()], term()}
  • standard error: can be generated by an alcove process running in the event loop as well as a Unix process.

      {alcove_stderr, pid(), [non_neg_integer()], binary()}
  • standard output: output from the Unix process after alcove has called exec(3)

      {alcove_stdout, pid(), [non_neg_integer()], binary()}


To compile the examples:

make eg
  • GPIO

examples/gpioled.erl is a simple example of interacting with the GPIO on a beaglebone black or raspberry pi that will blink an LED. The example works with two system processes:

* a port process which requests the GPIO pin be exported to user
  space, forks a child into a new namespace, then drops privileges

* a child process gets a file descriptor for the GPIO, then drops