The sequence viewer is a super easy javascript library to use in order to draw a protein sequence in a readable way.
Live demo:
Simple example:
- Include the library using bower or npm or simply by including the javascript sequence-viewer.js
bower install sequence-viewer
npm install sequence-viewer
- Specify a div in your html
<div id="sequence-viewer"></div>
- Create an instance of Sequence in javascript and apply the render method
//For Node add before : var Sequence = require("sequence-viewer"); //
- Et voila!
Note: if you choose the later approach with only the main javascript you should also include the dependencies, jquery,handlebars and bootstrap.min.css
Check out this page for a better understanding of how to use the sequence viewer and its possibilities :
- Show chars per line
- Wrap lines
- Highlight
- Coverage
- Labels text and color
- toolbar (chars per line)
- search
If you have any problem or suggestion please open an issue here.
git clone
npm install
(will install the development dependencies)
bower install
(will install the browser dependencies)
...make your changes and modifications...
npm run dist
(will create the min & bundle versions in dist/)
npm run build
(will create the bundle js & css in build/ for node)
grunt bump
(will push and add a new release)
npm publish
(will publish in npm)
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license, quoted below.
Copyright (c) 2015, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics