pynrrd is a pure-Python module for reading and writing NRRD files into and from numpy arrays.
The module's only dependency is numpy.
pip install pynrrd
pip install git+
For developers that want to contribute to pynrrd, you can clone the pynrrd repository and install it using the following commands:
git clone
cd pynrrd
pip install .
or, for the last line, instead use:
pip install -e .
to install in 'develop' or 'editable' mode, where changes can be made to the local working code and Python will use the updated pynrrd code.
The tests can be run via the following command from the base directory:
python -m unittest discover -v nrrd/tests
import numpy as np
import nrrd
# Some sample numpy data
data = np.zeros((5,4,3,2))
filename = 'testdata.nrrd'
# Write to a NRRD file
nrrd.write(filename, data)
# Read the data back from file
readdata, header =
For more information, see the documentation.
See the LICENSE for more information.