Simple MATLAB and CUDA implementations of the frequency-dependent F-number [1], [2] for coherent plane-wave compounding.
The F-number is a user-defined parameter of a technique known as "dynamic receive aperture". Such apertures reduce image artifacts in all image formation methods using the delay-and-sum (DAS) algorithm, such as
The receive aperture widens with the focal length. The F-number, for a uniform linear transducer array, equals the quotient of the focal length and the width of the receive subaperture.
The usage of a fixed F-number results in a dynamic receive subaperture whose width increases with the focal length.
Established methods to compute the optimal F-number attribute the image artifacts to two different phenomena:
Noise [5], [6], [3]: The directivity of the array elements attenuates the echoes and reduces the signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded signals.
Grating lobes [7], [8]: The width of the receive subaperture determines the grating lobe-to-main lobe ratio.
Both approaches, although yielding similar F-numbers (0.5 <= F <= 2), are mutually contradictory.
Wide array elements, for example, show
an increased directivity.
The "Noise" approach suggests
the usage of
narrow receive subapertures or, equivalently,
large F-numbers for
such elements to improve
the signal-to-noise ratio.
The "Grating lobes" approach, in contrast, permits
wide receive subapertures or, equivalently,
small F-numbers for
such elements because they attenuate
the grating lobes.
Both approaches, moreover, yield F-numbers that increase with the frequency.
The DAS algorithm, however, requires a fixed F-number and typically uses the maximum F-number at the upper frequency bound. This F-number satifies the conditions for all lower frequencies but, owing to its suboptimal value, reduces the spatial resolution.
The proposed F-number not only eliminates image artifacts but also maintains the spatial resolution of the full aperture [1], [2].
This F-number, in particular, prevents the first-order grating lobes from insonifying reflective image structures. The F-number, to this end, uses a closed-form expression, which derives from the far-field sensitivity of the focused receive subaperture, to impose a minimum angular distance on these grating lobes.
A Fourier-domain beamforming algorithm enables the usage of frequency-dependent F-numbers. The algorithm not only varies the width of the receive subaperture with the voxel position but also with the frequency. This additional frequency dependence, in contrast to a fixed F-number, includes additional frequency components that improve both the contrast and the spatial resolution.
Method | Width of the receive subaperture | Spatial resolution | Grating lobe suppression |
No F-number | always full | optimal | none |
Fixed F-number | position-dependent | minimal | exaggerated |
Proposed F-number | frequency- and position-dependent | almost optimal | optimal |
- Clone the repository or download the release to your local hard drive.
git clone
- Add the repository to your MATLAB path.
addpath( genpath( './f_number' ) )
- Run the script "examples.m".
The repository has the following structure:
├── +auxiliary # auxiliary functions (e.g., dimension and size check)
├── +cuda # C++/CUDA implementation and MEX interface
├── +f_numbers # classes for various types of F-numbers (e.g., constant, directivity-derived, proposed)
├── +normalizations # classes for various types of normalizations (e.g., off, on, window-based)
├── +platforms # classes for various types of platforms (e.g., CPU, GPU)
├── +windows # classes for various window functions (e.g., boxcar, Hann, Tukey)
├── das_pw.m # main function
├── data_RF.mat # experimental data (tissue phantom)
├── examples.m # examples for the usage of the main function
├── LICENSE # license file
└── # this readme
The packages +f_numbers, +normalizations, and +windows contain exemplary class hierarchies to manage various types of F-numbers, normalizations, and window functions.
Use the function das_pw to form images.
In MATLAB type
help das_pw
to obtain an explanation of the input and output arguments.
The typical usage is:
[ image, F_number_values ] = das_pw( positions_x, positions_z, data_RF, f_s, theta_incident, element_width, element_pitch, [ f_lb, f_ub ], c_ref, N_samples_shift, window, F_number, normalization, platform );
The proposed F-number can be instantiated by
chi_lb = 45; % minimum angular distance of the first-order grating lobes (°)
F_ub = 3; % maximum permissible F-number
delta = 10; % safety margin for anti-lobe aliasing (°)
F_number_rx = f_numbers.grating.angle_lb( chi_lb, F_ub, delta );
The directivity-derived F-numbers [5], [6] are
width_over_pitch = 0.918; % element width-to-element pitch ratio (1)
F_number_rx_1 = f_numbers.directivity.perrot( width_over_pitch );
F_number_rx_2 = f_numbers.directivity.szabo( width_over_pitch );
The standard fixed F-number is
F_number_rx_3 = f_numbers.constant( 3 );
The MEX interface to the C++/CUDA implementation must be compiled:
mexcuda '-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64' -lcudart -lcufft
You might have to adapt the library path (here: /usr/local/cuda/lib64) to your system.
M. F. Schiffner and G. Schmitz, "Frequency-dependent F-number suppresses grating lobes and improves the lateral resolution in coherent plane-wave compounding," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control (2023).
M. F. Schiffner and G. Schmitz, "Frequency-dependent F-number increases the contrast and the spatial resolution in fast pulse-echo ultrasound imaging," 2021 IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (IUS), Xi’an, China, Sep. 2021, pp. 1–4.
G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, J. Bercoff, N. Benech, and M. Fink, “Coherent plane-wave compounding for very high frame rate ultrasonography and transient elastography," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 489–506, Mar. 2009.
J. A. Jensen, S. I. Nikolov, K. L. Gammelmark, and M. H. Pedersen, “Synthetic aperture ultrasound imaging,” Ultrasonics, vol. 44, Supplement, e5–e15, Dec. 2006.
V. Perrot, M. Polichetti, F. Varray, and D. Garcia, “So you think you can DAS? A viewpoint on delay-and-sum beamforming,” Ultrasonics, vol. 111, p. 106 309, Mar. 2021.
T. L. Szabo, Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, 2nd. Elsevier Academic Press, Dec. 2013
B. Delannoy, R. Torguet, C. Bruneel, E. Bridoux, J. M. Rouvaen, and H. Lasota, “Acoustical image reconstruction in parallel-processing analog electronic systems,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 3153–3159, May 1979.
C. Bruneel, E. Bridoux, B. Delannoy, B. Nongaillard, J. M. Rouvaen, and R. Torguet, “Effect of spatial sampling on an acoustical image reconstruction,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 569–573, Feb. 1978.