- Introduction
- Requirements
- Technology
- Installation
- Using the application
The kata_bank_account project is demonstration project created for simple bank account management i..e deposit, withdraw and visualize historical operations.
Endpoints are not exposed but a service class has been created, so which could easily be linked with REST Endpoints. The Operations in the demostration have been very simple, which could easily be extended to MAX/MIN withdraw/deposit limit Max withdraw Below 0 limit Operations based on AccountIds Parallel Operations Expose with REST Binding with DataSource Integeration Test ....
Java 8 Gradle 5.4+
Project is created with: *Java 8 *Gradle 5.4 *Spring Boot version: 2.3.2.RELEASE
Install the kata_bank_account project as you would normally install.
Once you have the project, there are multiple ways run the application. 1)Running application as Spring boot application.(Right click on Project/any file < Run As < Spring Boot App) 2)Using Command line Interface to run the application.(In cmd prompt locate the project location < build < Jars < jarname and run java -jar kata_bank_account-0.0.1.jar)