Powershell module for Citrix WEM
Detailed information for this module can be found on my Blog: https://msfreaks.wordpress.com
I started this project after onboarding several environments using Citrix WEM. Got real tired real fast of adding applications to the WEM Actions manually. This module contains functions to make an admin's life much easier when onboarding new environments in WEM.
This module quickly grew into something much bigger after all the attention it got. It now contains seven functions in total, covering all Group Policy preferences, Environmental Settings, Microsoft User State Virtualization Settings, and functions to run in a User Environment to mimic settings found there into WEM.
Using the functions in this module will create .xml files you can then import (restore) into WEM. These functions will not modify WEM or its database directly!
A big thank you to James Kindon (@james_kindon) for support, testing, suggestions, brainpicking, etc!
v1.1.1 - Update release - February 7 2019 Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Registry processing will now skip REG_BINARY settings
v1.1.0 - New functionality - January 15 2019 Added Import-VUEMActionsFromBrokerApplicationCSV: added function
v1.0.0 - Major version Release - January 8 2018 Updated all functions: -Verbose switch shows Verbose Output Fixed Import-VUEM..FromGpo functions: Feedback on errors for GPOBackupPath parameter returned empty value Fixed Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Disable parameter was not working Fixed Import-VUEMEnvironmentalSettingsFromGpo: Enable parameter was not working Fixed Import-VUEMEnvironmentalSettingsFromGpo: no more xml output if no settings were found Fixed Import-VUEMMicrosoftUsvSettingsFromGpo: Enable parameter was not working Fixed Import-VUEMMicrosoftUsvSettingsFromGpo: no more xml output if no settings were found Fixed New-VUEM..Xml functions: OutputFileName is now checked for valid filename syntax Fixed New-VUEM..Xml functions: Output message no longer contains '\' if OutputPath ended in ''
v0.9.6 - Update release - January 5 2018 (non-public internal release, aka the James Kindon release) Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: RunOnLogonPrograms now also captured from Machine GPO as External Tasks Updated New-VUEMNetDrivesXml: new parameter (InputCsv) to accept a csv file for input Updated New-VUEMNetPrintersXml: new parameter (InputCsv) to accept a csv file for input Updated all functions: new parameter (OverrideEmptyDescription) Added Import-VUEMEnvironmentalSettingsFromGpo: added function Added Import-VUEMMicrosoftUsvSettingsFromGpo: added function Fixed all functions: $null object no longer added to the list of objects in Duplicate Object check Fixed Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: sometimes a '' registry entry was processed in Registry Actions Fixed Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Duplicate items are now dropped in Export Filters Fixed New-VUEMApplicationObject: DisplayName variable had a typo (thank you Marcus Niemann) Fixed New-VUEMNetDriveObject: DisplayName variable had a typo (thank you Marcus Niemann)
v0.9.5 - Update release - January 1 2018 (non-public internal release) Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: new parameters (SelfHealingEnabled and ExportFilters) Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Printer processing will now detect deployed printers Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: UserDSN processing will now process SystemDSNs Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: GPO Filters are now captured during processing Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: RunOnLogonPrograms now captured from GPO as External Tasks Updated Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Logon Scripts now captured from GPO as External Tasks Updated all functions: Duplicate Actions are now dropped completely Updated NetDrive Action: name convention (now based on UNC Path) Updated Printer Action: name convention (now based on UNC Path) Updated RegValue Action: name convention (now based on Registry Path) Added New-VUEMPrintersXml function Fixed Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: Registry Actions are now recursively processed when Collections are found
v0.9.4 - Update release - December 27 2017 Updated New-VUEMApplicationsXml: new parameters Added New-VUEMNetDrivesXml: new function Added New-VUEMUserDSNsXml: new function Added Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo: new function Fixed all functions: State was always enabled, Disable parameter was ignored
v0.9.1 - Update release - December 18 2017 Updated New-VUEMApplicationsXml
v0.9.0 - Initial release - December 17 2017 Added New-VUEMApplicationsXml: added function
Function Import-VUEMActionsFromBrokerApplicationCSV Create a CSV using Get-BrokerApplication | Export-CSV -Path Then use this function to import the published applications or content to WEM Application Actions. If the target resources are available on the machine where you run this, the icons will be grabbed as well. If you have .ico files that have the same name as the CommandLine targets for your published applications and they are available in the same folder as your CSV file, those icons will be used. See "Get-Help Import-VUEMActionsFromCSV" for details on how to use the function.
Function Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo Imports User Preference settings from GPOs and converts them to WEM Action files. This function only works on GPO Backup files, it will not communicate directly with Active Directory to retreive the settings. See "Get-Help Import-VUEMActionsFromGpo" for details on how to use the function.
Function Import-VUEMEnvironmentalSettingsFromGpo Imports Environmental Settings from GPOs and converts them to WEM Environmental Settings. This function only works on GPO Backup files, it will not communicate directly with Active Directory to retreive the settings. Importing the xml into WEM will override any settings already there! See "Get-Help Import-VUEMEnvironmentalSettingsFromGpo" for details on how to use the function.
Function Import-VUEMMicrosoftUsvSettingsFromGpo Imports Microsoft Userstate Virtualization Settings from GPOs and converts them to WEM Microsoft USV Settings. This function only works on GPO Backup files, it will not communicate directly with Active Directory to retreive the settings. Importing the xml into WEM will override any settings already there! See "Get-Help Import-VUEMMicrosoftUsvSettingsFromGpo" for details on how to use the function.
Function New-VUEMApplicationsXml Builds an .xml file containing WEM Action definitions for application shortcuts. This function supports multiple types of input and creates the file containing the Actions ready for import into WEM. See "Get-Help New-VUEMApplicationsXML" for details on how to use the function.
Function New-VUEMNetDrivesXml Builds an .xml file containing WEM Action definitions for Mapped Network Drives for the current user. This function creates the file containing the Actions ready for import into WEM. See "Get-Help New-VUEMNetDrivesXML" for details on how to use the function.
Function New-VUEMPrintersXml Builds an .xml file containing WEM Action definitions for Mapped Printers for the current user. This function creates the file containing the Actions ready for import into WEM. See "Get-Help New-VUEMPrintersXML" for details on how to use the function.
Function New-VUEMUserDSNsXml Builds an .xml file containing WEM Action definitions for UserDSN entries. This function supports multiple types of input and creates the file containing the Actions ready for import into WEM. See "Get-Help New-VUEMUserDSNsXML" for details on how to use the function.