Springboot java app which exposes a REST API to process payroll file. The API takes file location as input, parses and processes the file and logs results in console/log file. Currently, the API is synchronous, but as per the requirement it can be changed to an asynchronous API.
Eclipse or Intellij IDE. If using Elipse IDE, then install Spring Tool Suite 4.
- Import the project (import as maven project, if using eclipse) in IDE.
- Project > Maven > Update Project
- Run > Run as Spring boot App
From eclipse, right click on Project > Coverage As > Junit
Code coverage report can be viewed after running tests. Code coverage plugin comes pre-installed, so once the tests are run, coverage report can be viewed. To run tests with code coverage report: Project > Coverage As > Junit Code coverage report view can be open from Window > Show View > Other > Search for 'coverage'
Swagger UI can be accessed via: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/payroll/process'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data '{
"payrollFilePath" : "C:\Personal\Projects\PPCFile.csv"
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/payroll/process Request body: { "payrollFilePath" : "C:\Personal\Projects\PPCFile.csv" }
The application simply parses the supplied file (in argument), validates each record and logs it. It also logs few stats such as number of invalid records and total number of records Payroll file processing API is currently synchronous. In v2 version following enhancements can be done:
- Store records in DB after processing.
- Change /payroll/process API to asynchronous and return back requestId in response with 202 Accepted status
- Expose another API to return status of running process. Takes input as requestId passed in first API.
- A new API which takes entire file content as input as Multipart file