Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
- Simple, fast routing engine.
- Powerful dependency injection container.
- Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
- Expressive, intuitive database ORM.
- Database agnostic schema migrations.
- Robust background job processing.
- Real-time event broadcasting.
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
Clone repository project with GitHub Link
git clone
Install all requirements dependencies
composer install
npm install
Run the project
npm run dev
Stockify is a web application designed to help businesses, especially those with warehouses, manage their stock efficiently and accurately.
- Facilitate the recording and monitoring of stock items.
- Improve stock data accuracy.
- Simplify the process of receiving and issuing goods.
- Provide informative stock reports.
- Records product data,
- Categories,
- Suppliers,
- Product attributes,
- Recording incoming and outgoing goods transactions,
- Stock monitoring,
- Stock-taking.
- Create and manage user accounts with different roles (Admin, Manajer Gudang, Staff Gudang).
- Provides various stock and transaction reports.
- Laravel 10 (PHP Framework)
- MySQL (Database)
- Tailwind CSS (Frontend Framework)
- Flowbite (Tailwind UI Component)