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Using raw types such as Long, UUID, and Option[Long] for database ids invites errors. Scala developers should instead use the Id and HasId wrapper types provided by this project because of the type safety they provide over raw types. Id and HasId are database-agnostic. Both auto-increment Ids and Ids whose value is defined before persisting them are supported.


Id can wrap Long, UUID and String values, and any of them can be optional. The supported flavors of Id are:

  • Id[Long] – maps to Postgres BIGINT or BIGSERIAL
  • Id[UUID]do not misuse
  • Id[String]
  • Id[Option[Long]] – commonly used with autoincrement columns such as BIGSERIAL
  • Id[Option[UUID]]
  • Id[Option[String]]

Id is a Scala value object, which means there is little or no runtime cost for using it as compared to the value that it wraps. In other words, there is no penalty for boxing and unboxing.

Convenience Types

For convenience, the following types are defined in model.persistence.Types:

  • OptionLongOption[Long]
  • OptionStringOption[String]
  • OptionUuidOption[UUID]
  • IdLongId[Long]
  • IdStringId[String]
  • IdUuidId[UUID]
  • IdOptionLongId[Option[Long]
  • IdOptionStringId[Option[String]]
  • IdOptionUuidId[Option[UUID]]


Ids define a special value, called empty. Each Id flavor has a unique value for empty. FYI, the values for empty are:

  • IdUuid.empty == new UUID(0, 0)
  • IdLong.empty == 0L
  • IdString.empty == ""
  • IdOptionUuid.empty = None
  • IdOptionLong.empty = None
  • IdOptionString.empty = None

Depending on the context, you might need to provide type ascription when using Id.empty. For example, IdUuid.empty or IdOptionLong.empty.


You can use the Id.toOption method to convert from an IdLong or IdUuid to IdOptionLong or IdOptionUuid.

scala> import model.persistence._
import model.persistence._

scala> Id(Option(123L)).toOption
res2: model.persistence.Id[_ >: Option[Long] with Option[Option[Long]]] = 123

Be sure to cast the result to the desired Id subtype, otherwise you'll get a weird unhelpful type:

scala> Id(Option(123L)).toOption.asInstanceOf[IdLong]
res3: model.persistence.Id[Long] = 123

scala> import java.util.UUID
import java.util.UUID

scala> Id(Option(UUID.randomUUID)).toOption.asInstanceOf[IdUuid]
res3: model.persistence.Id[java.util.UUID] = b4570530-14d0-47d6-9d8b-af3b58ed075a


Each case class that uses Id to represent the persisted record id in the database must extend HasId. HasId is a parametric type with two type parameters:

  • The first type parameter must match the name of the case class
  • The second type parameter must match the type of the Id for the case class. For example:
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, Long]
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, UUID]
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, String]
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, OptionLong] – Most commonly used flavor
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, OptionUuid]
  • HasId[MyCaseClass, OptionString]

Usage Examples

Here are examples of using Id and HasId:

Simple Example

/** A person can have at most one Dog.
  * Because their Id is based on `OptionUuid`, those `Id`s do not always have `Some` value */
case class Person(
   age: Int,
   name: String,
   dogId: IdOptionLong,
   override val id: IdUuid = Id(UUID.randomUUID) // Id type (UUID) matches the HasId type (also UUID)
 ) extends HasId[Person, UUID]

/** Dogs are territorial. They ensure that no other Dogs are allowed near their FavoriteTrees.
  * Because the Ids for Dog and FavoriteTree are based on Option[Long] and not UUID,
  * those Ids might have value None until they are persisted */
case class Dog(
  species: String,
  color: String,
  override val id: IdOptionLong = Id.empty
) extends HasId[Dog, OptionLong]

HasId Sub-Subclasses

Subclasses of HasId subclasses should be parametric. In the following example, Rateable is an abstract class that subclasses HasId. Notice that Rateable is parametric in T, and HasId's first type parameter is also T:

abstract class Rateable[T](override val id: IdOptionLong) extends HasId[T, OptionLong]

The following two Rateable subclasses provide values for T that match the names of the derived classes:

case class Inquiry(
  title: String,
  body: String,
  userId: IdOptionLong,
  lectureId: IdOptionLong,
  override val id: IdOptionLong = Id.empty
) extends Rateable[Inquiry](id)

case class Recording(
  ohSlotId: IdOptionLong,
  transcript: String,
  active: Boolean = false,
  override val id: IdOptionLong = Id.empty
) extends Rateable[Recording](id)

For More Information

See the unit tests for more code examples and documentation. For an example of has-id in a real Scala project, see play-authenticated.


Both Scala 2.11 and Scala 2.12 are supported. Add this to your project's build.sbt:

resolvers += "micronautics/scala on bintray" at ""

libraryDependencies += "com.micronautics" %% "has-id" % "1.2.8" withSources()




This project is sponsored by Micronautics Research Corporation, the company that delivers online Scala and Play training via You can learn how this project works by taking the Introduction to Scala, and Intermediate Scala courses.


This software is published under the Apache 2.0 License.


For database-driven apps








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