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This code can be used to reproduce the results in our paper ``Floodgates up to contain the DeePC and limit extrapolation''.
Jupyter Notebook
This code can be used to reproduce the results in our paper ``Data-conforming data-driven control: avoiding premature generalizations beyond data''
Jupyter Notebook
This code can be used to reproduce the results in our paper ``Extended Kalman filter---Koopman operator for tractable stochastic optimal control'.
This code can be used to reproduce the results in our paper ``Actively Learning Reinforcement Learning: A Stochastic Optimal Control Approach''.
Jupyter Notebook 4
Policy iteration algorithm applied on finite state and action spaces Markov decision process.
Uses PyTorch tensors and autograd | The extended Kalman filtering algorithm as a class: mean and covariance are attributes and propagation in time are methods | PyTorch autograd is used to return t…
Python 3