This is my first project working with Rails.
- How to set up a Rails application from scratch
- Becoming familiar with routers, controllers, models and views
- Learning basic Rails commands for generating controllers and models
- Installing RSpec and setting up the test environment
- Changing the schema of the database and creating migrations
- Validating the integrity of user inputted data
- Understanding parent / child relationships
- Setting up a Javascript test environment with Phantom JS and Poltergeist
- Working with AJAX for customizing HTTP requests and jQuery for a nicer UX
- Continued work with Mustache templates for Javascript
- Learning more about Restful APIs
- Working with the awesomeness that is jBuilder
- Using Devise to create user accounts
- Ruby 2.1.1
- Ruby on Rails 4.1.0
- postgresql
- RSpec
- Capybara
- jQuery
- Javascript
- Mustache
- Poltergeist
- PhantomJS
- jBuilder
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Devise
- Git
git clone
cd Yelp-Clone
bin/rails server
Open up your browser and go to localhost:3000
git clone
cd Yelp-Clone